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John's POV

I had never hit a girl in my life. Well, once, but, that was a mistake. You see, I liked hurting girls. Mentally but not physically. I enjoyed it. It makes me laugh at how stupid and naive they are. If you're reading this book, well, this isn't going to be a good story. The thing is, I just really love hurting them mentally. Messing up their minds and breaking their hearts. I'd wait until they're totally inlove with me. Till their big bright saucer eyes are staring at mine. I also love the shock on their faces when I hurt them. Then they glaze and try to hide, how much I'm hurting them. It's like I was a serial killer. Remember when serial killers say that, they feel no regret, no remorse, for all the people they killed. It was just like that, and I loved it, the best part, it was legal. I didn't care how long it took for them to fall in love with me, I was in no rush afterall. I think I killed a few of them, their souls, I meant. I warned you. This book isn't going to be good, it isn't like those crappy ones that has a happily ever after. But if you recognize yourself in this pages—fuck you then. Don't say I didn't warn you.


Guys it gets better from there ok? Oke.

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