Chapter 38 [Bittersweet And Home]

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John's POV

Three days ago.

I walked to mom's hospital room by myself. I needed to tell her somehow.

After asking the nurse what room she is from, I went there immediately. It was room 143. She was lying down, resting and I bent down and kissed her forehead. I heard that she's in and out from the hospital.

Fun fact: the hospital became a unpleasant but yet familiar place to me.

I smiled at my mom. She was so lovely. She looked like an angel. An angel that looked so peaceful as if just touching or poking her she'll disappear. I swear to God, my mom is truly the most beautiful, strong, amazing person I've ever seen even if she lost even more weight and had gotten considerably paler. In my eyes, she was still and always be lovely.

I was praying for a miracle. A miracle, hoping she'd stay alive.

I sat on a chair beside her, holding her hand as I began telling her what has been happening in my life.

"And then I met this boy named Alex, he's really sweet and has this tragic back story—Ma, you're awake aren't you?"

She fluttered her eyes open and smiled at me. "I've been listening the whole time."

I smiled sadly at her. "I miss you so much, Ma."

"I miss you too, hijo." She smiled and the whole world seemed to smile back.

"Keep telling me about your college life. Are Herc and Laf still your amigos?" She asked.

I nodded.

"They're really good friends." She says. "Go on with your story."

"I met this guy named Alex." I repeated. I should really be honest with her. "I may have done so many injusto things in my life and also to him, which I regret."

"Hijo, people make mistakes." She says.

"A-also I'm gay." I squeaked and looked down. I didn't even know my eyes were welled up with tears again. I didn't even know where I was going when I told her my story.

"I-I'm sorry." I say. "Lo siento, Ma."

She wiped my tears away with her thumb which made me looked at her, not breaking eye contact.

"Why are you sorry? I'm so proud of you hijo. You've come so far. You don't need to explain yourself. I understand and accept you. Whatever your preference is, it does not make you less of a person. What matters is how you treat others and how you treat yourself. Regardless of who we are, God will love us. Don't. And I say, don't you dare let people make you think otherwise. You're a good person. A good son. I don't expect you to be something extraordinary but I expect you to be happy. Martha wants you happy too. Te amo hijo." She says as she gave me a hug. I hugged back, happy.

I couldn't really say what I feel. It's a bittersweet feeling. I was happy because I was accepted. I felt devastated because she's dying.

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