Chapter 3 [The Dare]

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John's POV

We went inside me and Lafayette's dorm. Alex and Hercules sat on the floor while I was texting someone on the phone.

Hey John

Need anything?

Nothing actually, Someone posted your singing in facebook. I love your voice. Wanna meet up some time?

A smirk was on my face now. Score one for John Laurens.

Sure, I love your hair by the way. Thank you for the compliment of me singing.

It's not a compliment! It's the truth ;^;"

Why so sweet?

Am not, anyways I need to go. James is calling me.

I put the phone inside my pocket and removed my jacket revealing a plan gray shirt. I sat on the floor with Alex and Hercules. They were laughing? I wonder why.

"Why are y'all laughing?" I asked my southern accent came. Oh fuck.

"Y'all?" Alex said while Hercules snickered. "I'm from South Carolina."

"I'm from the Carribean." Alex said casually. "Woah, isn't that where the hurri—" I was cut off when Alex put his pointing finger on my lips, "shh." He said. Hercules laughed. "What are you guys talking about anyways?" I asked.

"We were talking about..." Herc glanced at Alex and they just both bursting out of laughter. What the hell?

"I brought food!" Lafayette said putting left over pizza on the floor. (Of course there's a plate.) "Disgusting. Left over pizza." Hercules commented. Lafayette rolled his eyes, "Someone forgot doing grocery shopping."

"I'll treat you all for breakfast tomorrow and I'll buy the grocery." I said, shrugging. "Let's play truth or dare." Hercules suggested glancing at Alexander. Alexander's eyes flickered at Lafayette and smirked, "Yeah, let's play." I wonder what they're talking about. Oh well. I started, "Hey Lafayette, truth or dare?"

"Huh? Oh truth." He said, I must've stopped his thoughts when he was staring at Hercules. "If you were a food what would you be and why?" I asked out of nowhere.

"A baguette." Lafayette answered sheepishly.

"So it would be huge and long just like Hercules wanted it?" Alexander started laughing while Hercules was red ready to punch his face. "Putain d'idiots" I heard Lafayette mutter but then he grinned. "Alexander, mon ami, truth or oser?"

"Oser." Alexander said confidently. Hercules whistled. "The new kid is brave." I smirked and commented.

"Inattendu." Lafayette said, "I dare you to kiss Laurens." He pointed at me.

Alex's cheeks turn slight pink while smirking, "Gladly." My eyes widen when I felt his lips meet mine. I heard whistling and 'Goddamn!' From Lafayette or Hercules. I didn't hear them anymore when I melted myself into his kiss. God his scent. I trailed my fingers through his hair. I looked at his eyes deeply. He slowly deepened the kiss, he licked my lower lip and I moan quietly. I didn't felt this way before, there was so much electricity flowing through my body. I was enjoying this. He started fighting with my tongue. God, Is this a sin? I was loving every bit of it. I realized, he's a guy. I'm a guy. I shouldn't have kissed back. Oh my god. I pulled away immediately catching my breath, inhaling heavily. Me and Alex's stared at eachother that seems forever. Until one loud clap broken the eye fucking stares that me and Alex did.

Alex laughed while I blushed. I was the dominant one in girls whenever I had sex with a girl. I was always the one who wasn't embarrassed. I feel humiliated and I enjoyed it. I pulled my shirt down trying to cover up the small erection that Alex caused. Goddamit.

"Nice one Alex! I didn't know John had this side of him!" Hercules cackled while Lafayette showed me and Alex a picture. The three were all laughing. I wasn't though. The laughter died down and Alex said, "Sorry John, it was a dare and I would never back down from a dare."

"He's officially part of ze revolutionary squad!" Lafayette said with his thick accent. Hercules patted me on the back.

Damn, I just had made out with a boy and I enjoyed it.

"Not really Lafayette, if he's homophobic asshole then we won't be friends with him." Hercules said while Alexander smiled, "I would be a hypocrite if I hated LGBT people. I, myself, is bisexual." He just come out to us. Wow.

"Great! I'm pansexual!" Lafayette said while putting an arm around Hercules, "I'm gay."

"Obviously." Alex said grinning. They all turned to me waiting for my answer, "I-I'm straight." Where the hell did the nervousness came from?

"You're gay." Lafayette said. I shot him a glare this is not the time to talk about how I felt about making out with girls. He shrugged.

"Cool." Alexander said and whispered something to Lafayette and Hercules which caused them to burst out of laughter. This is pissing me off. I stood up and walked to my room, leaving them at my living room. 'I'm going to sleep' was the last thing I said to them before shutting the door. I lay down in bed scrolling down facebook.

Alex's POV

"Cool." I said and whispered to Lafayette and Hercules, "If he isn't gay why did he enjoyed my kiss?" We all laughed. I glanced at a pissed John who stood up and mumbled about going to sleep. It was one am now. I stopped laughing with them and stood up.

"Thanks for letting us hangout for a bit." I yawned. "No problem. Eat here at nine am morning tomorrow for breakfast mon ami." Lafayette gave me a wink. Me and Hercules waved goodbye until I saw Hercules gave a hesitant hug to Lafayette and we walked to our dorm.

"What's with the hug?" I asked him.

"I like him ever since middle school." Hercules said. This guy trusts me already. I had fun in a day. Met new friends. Kissed a guy. I'll cross that all off my bucket list of what to do before I die.

"What was that kiss about?" Hercules asked, I shrugged, "It's just a kiss." I said simply. He rolled his eyes at me and opened the door. He locked it and went into our perspective rooms.

I removed my clothes leaving my boxers on thinking that it really wasn't just a kiss. I haven't felt like that before. I felt lust. I lusted for John. I like him already. Goddamit Alexander Hamilton. I shook away those thoughts reminding myself that I just met him. I'm going to need some time to know this boy and, by some time. A lot of time.

Gosh I hope you like this chapter. I don't even have ang readers for this but heyy.

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