Chapter 30: Birthday Surprises part 1

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It's been about three months since I was in the hospital and everything has cleared up for the most part. My asthma attacks still happen but not as often and not near as bad. Filming started five weeks ago and there making incredible progress. I've started my early internship on the set and I'm loving it. I love all of the action and adventure! For now were living in Mckenzie and Scott's guest house about an hour off of our current set for filming. The first thing Robert did when we got here was trade in my car for an Audi that matched his. I yelled at him because that was just a waste of his money but he just said that I needed to get used to him again and his spoiling ways of seduction and charm. I had forgotten how much of a difference he makes in my life. I love him more than anything and if it wasn't for my stupid ass this would have been our three year anniversary here fairly soon. His birthday is today and i have the perfect gift for him. For the past few weeks I have been getting sick in the mornings and I've had some mood swings but I have Robert tricked into thinking that its a stomach flu. That has resulted in staying home from work and a Doctors visit where I found out the source of my sickness and confirmed my suspicions. I am pregnant. It has been confirmed and I am about two months along. Ive known for a week and its been really hard to keep it from Robert. I never keep things from him so this is pretty big. I'm just happy I can tell him tonight.

I have it all planned out so it should run easily but who knows with us.

Tonight Gwyneth got the Iron Man crew, Indio, and a few of Roberts friends reservations at the Perch. The Perch is a fancy restaurant in Los Angeles. Robert hates it and would much rather to be home cooking his own pasta or go to Olive Garden or something but this is his day and the day he will find out about his child. I have the three pregnancy tests that I took the day before he forced me to go to the doctor and I put them in a scrap book type of thing that was actually meant for this type of gift. its like a Happy birthday present with pictures of us early in our relationship that all leads to the Surprise You're A Dad part of the book. Im excited to see his reaction but I just hope he's not mad that I kept it from him. Im at home now since Robert wont let me go to work for now so Im getting ready for the dinner. Unlike Robert, most of my time is spent on my outfit and my makeup. His is mostly spent on the twenty minutes it take to get his hair 'perfect' even though its just a messy style. Its sexy messy though so I guess thats the reason. I finish with my shower and my hair so I go to get dressed. I go to slip on my black dress and its a bit tighter than usual and come to think of it, thats been happening with a lot of my clothes lately. I do have to realize that i am pregnant but i thought that the weight gain came later in the pregnancy. This is easy to over look and I am going to have to get used to a rounded belly fairly soon so I just push the concern aside. Robert walks in just as I finish getting ready. He walks directly over to me and hugs me.

"I missed you today baby." He says while he buries his head in my neck.

"I missed to too my love." I say, turning him around to face me and kissing him softly on the lips.

"What time are the reservations again?"

"6:15" I reply.

"Okay so I have an hour before we leave?"

"Yes Robert."

"Okay babe, I love you. How are you feeling?"

"I'm actually feeling pretty great right now."

"Thats good. Maybe this whole thing is clearing up for you."

"I think it will." I say, referring to the situation clearing up in his eyes not the 'flu" that I (don't) have.

(After Dinner at the Perch)

Its now time for Robert to open the gifts and the one from me is last upon request. Tonight was hard because everyone including Robert kept offering me drinks but since I'm pregnant I couldn't except them. To be honest they looked really tempting but I had to resist the temptation. Once Robert gets to my gift my heart begins beating out of my chest and I can barley contain my nervous excitement. He opens it and goes through the first few pages with a smile that grows with every page turn. Im counting down in my head each page turn. Five more, four, three, two, one. He reaches the page and I automatically know what he's thinking. His face says it all.


Hey guys!!!

I have a few different things I need to talk to you about. First of all I just want to know what you thought of this chapter.

Also I want to know if you would rather boy, girl, twins, triplets...

I need a girls first and middle name but i already have a name I want for the boy.


The book is called "Im Worn". Its a book about this girl who was left at the alter on her wedding day and had other horrific events on that day and through the next few months that make her not want to trust a guy ever again but then Robert comes in tries to help her and it eventually turns into a romance. That book will be a slower moving book when it comes to the romance and confessions but in my opinion this one happened a little to fast for my taste anyway.... so comment and answers the questions asked please!

Mr. Right (a Robert Downey Jr. teacher student fan fic)*UNDER MAJOR EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now