Chapter 10: The E.R.

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Once I get to the hospital I run straight over to Mckenzie. She envelopes me in a hug and I bust out crying in her arm.

"This is all my fault. I shound have never broken up with him. He wouldnt be here if it wasint for my stupid ass!"

"Hey, hey calm down its not your fault."

I continue to cry.

"Wheres robert?!"

"Hes in recovery. He just got out of major emergency surgery and he still hasn't woken up. He hasn't woken up since they got him here."

All boy that looks EXTREMELY similar to Robert walks into the E.R. waiting room and straight to Mckenzie.

"Hey Kenz.. Have you heard about my dad yet?"

Dad? Wait does Robert have a son? What?

" Um Yeah Hes in recovery from his surgery.... Indio, I have someone I want you to meet. This is Alyssa, your dads girlfriend."

"Wait my 33 year old dad is dating a seventeen maybe eighteen year old? Since when?"

He seems amused and his face is priceless but I'm still to depressed or sad to laugh.

"Yesterday.. and to be fair I didn't know Robert had a son either." I say.

"Oh, well if I know my dad I know he will make it out.. mom"

He starts to laugh and so do I considering that I am only a few years older than he is.. but then it hit me. Im not still going out with Robert and now Indio thinks I am. I don't even know what Im going to do. I am leaning more towards Robert know but I still need to talk to Robert and figure a few things out. The thought of Robert brings me back to tears and this time instead of Mckenzie its Indio that hugs me.

"Hey calm down. My dad has made it through so many things and he always comes out stronger than ever. He's gunna make it trough this. I promise you he will."

"Thanks." That is all I can manage through the tears.

Indio grabs my hand and pulls me over to the seats with the rest of the family and introduces me. Thankfully he just says Im one of Roberts friends and not his girlfriend.

We sit and talk for a while and I get to know a lot about him and Robert, but mostly Robert. Everyone else leaves except for me, Indio, and Mckenzie. After I told Indio what was going n between me and his dad he decided that when Robert woke up I would be the first to see him se we could talk.

After a while Indio falls asleep on one of the chairs in the lobby and Mckenzie sits there playing on her phone. I decide that I might as well sleep to since there is nothing else to do. So I go to sleep and not to my surprise I dream of Robert. But instead of a dream, It was more of a nightmare.


Do you think Robert is okay? Do you think she will take him back? Whats going to happen next? VOTE AND COMMENT PLEASE!!!!

Mr. Right (a Robert Downey Jr. teacher student fan fic)*UNDER MAJOR EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now