Chapter 47: White Wedding

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-Alyssa's POV-

I'm sitting in the room of the old farm house that we're renting as part of the venue. I've been getting ready and I've been really nervous for what's about to happen. Just as Carson finishes my makeup I hear footsteps in the hallway behind the closed doors but all of the sudden they stop right outside of my door. I hear a voice, Roberts voice telling them "it's happening again."

I walk to the door and listen into their conversation.

Jude whispers "Did you take your medicine that you were supposed to take a few minutes ago?"

"Shit, no."

"Robert the doctor said that if you don't take the meds for the next few days then your heart could start acting up again and that's a problem. If it beats to hard you could die you realize that?"

"I get it just go get the meds before I pass out again!" and that's when I hear someone running off to the room down the hall.

Something must have happened to him earlier that he hasn't told me about. It sounds pretty bad. Why hasn't he told me.

A minute later I hear the person running back and handing him the medicine that he needed. I slowly open the door so I can look out without them seeing anything but my face.

"What's going on?" I ask when I see Robert and Jude sitting against the wall and Robert looks warn out and worried.

"I'll be fine. Just a few complications, don't worry babe." He says, but I can tell he's lying. He won't even open his eyes.

"Robert.." says Jude.

"Jude I'll be fine."

"Robert you need to tell her. It's pretty obvious that you're not okay right now." he sighs and a tear slides down his cheek.

"The doctor said I'll be fine! I'm going to be fine Jude!"

"Tell me what's wrong!" I demand.

"Tell her Robert. You can't keep it from her and it's not even that big of a thing. She will be more worried if you don't tell her!"

"Okay, Jude and I were messing around this morning and I was running and I slammed my side into the edge of the counter in the Kitchen. It bruised pretty quickly but I didn't think much of it until my heart started rapidly beating and I passed out.

I woke up in the hospital and my mom was there. I begged her not to say anything to you and I guess she didn't. The doctor said it was just asthma in reaction to the impact. I just have to take some medicine to prevent another attack"

"Let me see the bruise." I say. He pulled up his shirt and I gasp. His bruise is a really dark purple with specks of green. It's so dark that it almost looks black.

"Robert that's not okay. Are you sure you didn't break a rib?"

"I don't think so. It does hurt pretty bad though."

"Let me go change. I'll be right back."

I run and change out of my dress and I bring Robert into the brides/bridesmaid's room.

I examine his chest and from my small amount of medical training it's pretty obvious that it was close to being fractured but it's only bruised. I look in the bathroom and find some gauze. I wrap it around his chest and secure it under his arm.

He puts oh his shirt again and buttons it up. I grab some of his hair gel that I happened to grab from the house and spike up his hair the way he likes it. He just recently got a haircut and it's really sexy. It's short on the side but it's a little longer on the top.

Mr. Right (a Robert Downey Jr. teacher student fan fic)*UNDER MAJOR EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now