Chapter 2

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" Okay class, take a seat and get out a piece of paper and a pencil." said Mr. Downey. Oh. My. Gahh. His voice is extremely sexy! At this point I am drooling and I cant stop starring at him. Oh what I would do to this man if I could just get my hands on him!

After a few minutes of my dirty thoughts for a man I just met I am interrupted by Mr. Sexy himself.

"Umm hello, is any one in there? Wakey Wakey. Heres a paper towel."

"What are you- oh never mind." Shit! I really was drooling and now its all dried to my face! Ewwww! I probably look like crap but all I can think about is how dumb I probably looked to him. As I take care of the spit on my face Mr. Downey starts to talk,

" Okay class, as I was saying, my name is Robert Downey Jr. but you can call me Mr. Robert or Mr. Downey. I am 35 years old and before teaching I was an actor but I chose a few paths to go down that i regret very much..."

"Any way, I Majored in English and Minored in Drama so here I am. So If we could all get started on answering the questions that are on the board with a partner while I take attendance that would be great." I Look around to see who's here and I see that Mckenzie is sitting on the other side of the room so i get up and start to walk over

" No Ms. ... Meirs. Sit in your seat please"

"but i w-"

"Ok thats a detention! Come to me During study hall."

"Whatever." I whisper under my breath.

"Hey don't get an attitude with me!"

"Gotcha" I mumble.

~ Robert's POV~

Detention? Really Rob? What was the point of giving her a detention? That just means you have to spend even more time with her and even now you can hardly keep it in your pants! And she's your student! What's wrong with you?

After brief thought and scolding, class is over and I'm ready to talk. After everyone else leaves the room I walk over to her.

"Hey, look I'm sorry about what happened earlier its j-"

"Why did I get detention?", she asks bluntly.

"Because, Umm Because, Beca-"

" Because what? Spit it out!"I freeze.

"You know what, nothing. It's nothing. You can go now." She walks away and I can't help but stare as she walks away.


Mr. Right (a Robert Downey Jr. teacher student fan fic)*UNDER MAJOR EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now