Chapter 21: Judesie!

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A/N: Just in case any of you were wondering, no Exton doesn't exist in this story/ he has not been born (at least for now (; ) and Robert never married Susan in this story. Oh and I hope you enjoy the chapter!!


I wake up to soft lips on mine. I freak out at first but I settle back down when I realize it's just Robert.

"Well hello there sleeping beauty."

"Hey handsome. Are we still going to your house tonight?"

"Yep, if it's okay with you we will leave around 5:30."

"Yeah that's fine." I reach over to the bedside table to grab my phone. Instead of my phone I grab Roberts.

'Ahh close enough' I think.

I press the home button on his iPhone and instead of looking at the time my eyes go directly to his wallpaper.

His picture is the one of me in my bra and underwear on my birthday.

"What the fuck Robert?! Really? You just had to use this picture didn't you..."

"Duh! You look sexy in that pic!"

"What ever babe." I get back to the task at hand, the time. 2:41. Damn that was a long ass nap.

"Robbie? I'm going to hop in the shower and get ready to leave."

"Can't you do that at my house?" He says in a baby voice with his puppy dog eyes.

"And why should I do that Mr. Downey?" I say with a wink.

"Because, if you wait until we go to my house we can hop in the shower together."

"Hmmmm." I say, pretending that I'm in deep thought.

"I don't know, I don't think I want to take a shower with a old man..."

"Well good because you won't be. I am not an old man and you will pay for that comment later Ms. Miers."

"That's fine with me. Your punishments always seem to be enjoyable." He just chuckles at my comment and grabs his pants. Right before he slips them on I snap a pic of him in his boxers. It was like the perfect picture! He was still smirking, he was looking at the camera, and it almost looked like he was posing. The funny thing is, he didn't even notice.

I quickly set it as my wallpaper and locked my phone. Now next time he grabs my phone to play Minion Rush he will see the picture of him almost butt naked. Not that he will care. He'll just make a comment about how sexy he looks in the pic, and I can't argue with him on that either.

"So, grab some clothes and get ready to go."

"Okay." I lean over and peck him on the lips. I go over to my closet and grab some black jeans, a long sleeve Arkansas Razorback sweater, and some red converse.

I go into my bathroom and grab some make up, a flatiron, and a hairbrush. I put it all in a bag and grab my water bottle from the night stand. I throw my charger and undergarments in the bag too. I double check to make sure I have everything and then I go downstairs to find Robert.

When I get down there he and my brother are playing my brothers new ps3 game.

'This should take a while.' I think to myself.

I decide to talk to my mom. I walk into the kitchen and and start to help her prepare Christmas dinner.

"Hey mom."

"Hey honey."

"Robert and I are going to head over to his house in a little while is that okay?"

Mr. Right (a Robert Downey Jr. teacher student fan fic)*UNDER MAJOR EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now