Chapter 13: Meet the family - part 3

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We pull up to my house and just sit there for a second and so does Robert. I lean over and give Robert a peck on the lips.

"I love you Mr.Downey." I say.

-Roberts POV-

I lean over to kiss her one more time but she stops me and says

"If we keep kissing I'm not going to want to leave this car."

"Perfectly fine with me." I say. She rolls her eyes and hops out of the car.

We start to walk up to the front door and before Alyssa grabs the handle the door swings open. A teenage boy, younger that Alyssa answers the door. I suspect it's her brother.

"Hey Jeff! Mom and dad are here right?"

"Yep, they have the table all set for dinner."

"Awesome, by the way this is Robert and if you don't already know who he is you will be finding out in just a minute."

"Um okay... And no I don't know who he is."

'Well this is awkward' I think to myself. As we're walking to the kitchen Alyssa snuggles up closer to my good arm and I look down and smile at her. The nerves start to set in when I see her mom and dad sitting at the table. Her dad's stern 'interrogation' face is what scares me the most.

"Mom, dad, this is Robert Downey Jr. My boyfriend."

"It's so nice to meet you." Says her mom giving me a warm smile and shaking my hand.

"Hello Robert." Said her dad, reaching out to shake my hand too. His face loosens but not quite into a smile. "Please, have a seat." Her dad continues.

We sit and eat for about thirty minutes at the table and when we are done Mr. Miers pulls me aside to talk.

"Robert, if you are going to be dating my daughter I am going to need to talk to you about a few things. First off you can call me and my wife by our first names. My name is Greg and my wife's name is Caroline. Second, I need you to understand that if you were ever to hurt my daughters will hurt you."

"Yes sir and I can assure you that I will never hurt you daughter intentionally. If I ever was to hurt her it would definitely not be something I meant to do."

"And I believe you when to say that. Lastly, do you truly love my daughter?"

"Yes sir, with all my heart."

"Well then that's all I need to know. I have no reason right now not to trust you. And about the whole age difference thing. Age is just a worthless number when it comes to love In my opinion. As long as you treat her well, it will all be fine."

"Yes sir."

"What did I say about calling us by our first names."

"I'm sorry Greg"

While we walk to the living room Greg and I start to talk about sports and we crack jokes. We have started to create a pretty good conversation.

Then He brings up the topic of kids. That's when I think about Indio sitting in the car right now.

"Well Greg, speaking of kids. I have someone you might like to meet. Let me just go get him." I start to walk outside to get Indio when Alyssa grabs me.

"Forgot about your son did you? Haha he's in the kitchen with my mom and I. He came in about an hour ago and I didn't want to ruin yours and my dad's conversation."

"Thanks babe, your the best."

"Hey Indio? Your dad needs you." Said Alyssa.

"Okay coming."

Indio comes over to me and I take him to Alyssa's dad. I introduce him and Greg seems to take the fact that I have a son fairly well. That seems to surprise me. In a good way though, not a bad way. I'm just happy that we all get along. My family likes Alyssa and as far as I can tell Alyssa's family likes me.

Well at least her mom and dad. I haven't seen her brother or any of her other siblings since dinner.



Sorry it's kind of short and boring but it's my last day of finals tomorrow and I need the sleep. I will be updating ALOT over Christmas break so be prepared!! I love all of you guys! Comment please. And vote but mostly comment.

Mr. Right (a Robert Downey Jr. teacher student fan fic)*UNDER MAJOR EDITING*Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora