Chapter 28: Come with me.

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I wake up to the sound of pounding on the bedroom door. At first I was scared but then I remembered that my brother and sister live here too. They came with me after my mom tried to help kill me. I yell for them to hold on and reach for Robert who was not at my side.
"Tell me last night really happened. Tell me it wasn't my mind trying to fuck with me." I whisper.
I walk over to the door and open it.
"What do you want?"
"First off, what is that horrible smell coming from your room? Second, did you bring someone home last night? And third, who left at like five this morning?"
"Hmmmm, if I remember right, sex, yes, and Robert Downey Jr."
"Yeah... Right. No offense but I never see that relationship happening again." Says Shay.
"Well it is so get over yourself."
I grab my phone from my bedside table and check it. I have a message from Robert and it reads:

'Hello my love, I woke you up this morning to say bye but I doubt you will remember. You were really tired and still half asleep when I told you. I have a meeting at seven in Indiana so I had to fly up there. I should be back around twelve for lunch. Be ready and dress nice-ish, we're going to the jitterbug and then to a movie. By the way who else lives with you? Love you babe. Forever and always shall break never again.
Robbie Bear<3'

I text him back telling him about my sister and brother and why they live with me. That's when I look at the time. Shit it's 11:30. I need to get dressed!
I take a quick shower and blow dry my long hair. I throw on some leggings and a knitted sweater (don't judge I'm only 20). Instead of tucking in the necklace that Robert gave me at Christmas two years ago- and yes is still wear it- I pull it over my shirt for once. I wonder if Robert still wears his. I grab the promise ring and slip it on. I still continue to wear all of the stuff Robert gave me because it means a lot to me and always will. I take my glasses that I have to wear now and put them on because I don't feel like putting in contacts.
That's when I realize that everything besides my underwear, makeup, and sox are all things that Robert bought me. I hear a knock at the front door and I knew it was him. I open the door and he automatically gives me a huge hug and kisses me. He takes me over and sits on the couch and lays me down. He licks my lips begging for entrance and I automatically let him in. We make out for a good twenty minutes when I start to feel like I need air or I might die. I pull away and just hug Robert.
"Oh how much I love and have missed you." He says.
"Life without you was terrible and I don't know how it was possible."
"I love you. Do you have school Monday?"
"No. Why?" I pull away from the hug and look at him in the eyes.
"I want you to come with me. I have a script reading tomorrow but I don't wanna leave you here alone again, especially on valentines day."
"Of coarse baby, I will come with you. When do we leave?"
"Um about an hour after the movie."
"Okay. What do I need to pack?"
"Well.. I was hoping.. Nothing? I mean you could just go nude and I wouldn't care."
"Babe I'm not going nude, sorry."
"But it would make wobbie so bewy happy." He says in a little baby voice, trying to trick me with those stupid-but adorable-puppy eyes.
"How about this... When we come back we can have a day that's just you and I. We can do whatever you wanna do all day."
"Hmmm, you're going to regret saying that." He says with an evil smirk.
"I don't think I will regret it. I think I will enjoy it." With that he crashes his lips into mine again and we make out until Jeff interrupts.
"Hey Alyssa, can my fr- WHAT THE FUCK?! Are you seriously making out with a stranger on our couch?!" I reluctantly pull away from Robert and say, "Well for one he isn't a stranger, and yes I'm making out with him. So can you like leave or something?"
"No I can't leave because I live here. And who the fuck is that 'cause I know sure as shit that it's not Robert like you said it was this morning?" All I hear is Robert chuckle into my neck.
"I'm n-not l-lying - Robert would you stop sucking on my neck, I can't focus!"
"Haha sorry babeee. Although that was my point..."
"Such an ass."
"Well at least I'm 'your ass'" he says, referring to the time in the hospital.
"Oh shut up! Am I ever going to live that down?!"
"Babe it's been two years. What do you think?"
I suddenly get quiet, thinking about the fact that we have been apart for two years and all that the years have consisted of. I still haven't told him about the fact that I started drinking and when I get really down I snort coke and when I'm even farther down I smoke from my stash of weed. I realize I'm still underage on drinking but I know people. Suddenly I feel sick and run to the restroom. I puke up all of the contents in my stomach. I hear shuffling behind me and then Robert quickly grabs the hair out from my face.
"Babe are you okay?" Asks Robert.
"Yeah I'm fine. I'll be just fine." But I know that's not the truth. I feel like shit and I have felt like shit.
"Well I know that's not true. And are you aware of the fact that you're brother is still standing in your living room staring at the couch?"
"Wouldn't doubt it. He's been a real jerk about our whole break up. Blaming it all on me, which I guess is true. I'm the one who left and never looked back."
"Babe don't even sa-"
"NO ROBERT! Don't! It was completely my fault. I'm the one who left, I'm the one who got bitchy, and I'm the one hurt you. I listened to your messages for the first time last night and I couldn't help but cry. You were so sweet and caring and I was a complete and utter bitch to you. You deserve better and I deserve no one. You had Sarah and you seemed happy. She probably deserves you not some drug addicted skank like me."
"NO STOP RIGHT THERE! You're NOT a bitch, you're NOT a skank, and if anyone deserves better it's you. I saw the weed stash this morning and I saw the alcohol and coke to. I threw it all away except for a little bit of each. The little bit I saved I need you to flush down the toilet for me. Can you do that?"
"Uh I guess. Where did you put it?"
"It's right here." He says while pulling it out of the cabinet in the bath room. My first instinct is to smoke the weed, snort the coke, and chug the alcohol but I can't. I take the weed first and quickly dump it in the newly flushed toilet. Then I take the coke and alcohol and dump the baggy and the bottle. I quickly flush the toilet and start to sob while I'm being enveloped on Roberts arms.
"I have done nothing to deserve you."

Sooooo what did you think? Do you think she will still go with him to the script reading? Will she stay off drugs? Comment any new ideas or tips for me because I'm running out of them. Love all of you :*

Mr. Right (a Robert Downey Jr. teacher student fan fic)*UNDER MAJOR EDITING*Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora