Chapter 27: Love me?

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Two years later...

-Roberts POV-

'I love her. I miss her. I want her.' These are the thoughts that run and have ran through my head for the past two years. Valentines day, my birthday, and her birthday hit me the hardest. I have a girlfriend now but I haven't as much as had a boner around this girl. Her kisses are sloppy and she wants me for sex. Every time I try and open up to her and talk about Alyssa she puts her down. She took my phone and deleted all the pictures of me and Alyssa and yelled at me for still having them. I want out of the relationship but I don't know how to do it. I've tried before but the bitch won't let me. She just tells me 'baby you're just in a bad spot. I know you don't mean it.' Tonight I plan on breaking up with her right before the live jimmy kimmel show tonight. Iron Man was successful and so was Iron man two. Iron Man three will start filming in a few weeks and I am going on the show tonight to do my final promotion for the avengers. The only thing I ever really have on my mind is Alyssa so I tend to zone out on these things. Acting is my comfort zone so that's why I stay in it. I ACT happy when I'm not. I ACT like I care but I don't. I ACT like I'm busy when all I'm doing is is crying myself asleep wanting Alyssa. I don't open up to anyone anymore. Jude doesn't even know the whole story. Why did I have to fuck up and take this idiotic job in this idiotic city on this idiotic Earth?!

-Alyssa's POV-

Well in the past two years I graduated high school, started college to become a producer, lost my dad in a car crash, became the worst enemy of my mother because she said that I should have been the one to die in that car, not him. I was driving and a drunk driver crashed into me and killed him. I think about Robert every day. I guess he moved on because he's with this this bitch Sarah Jessica Parker. I don't like her for obvious reasons. I shouldn't have let robert go. I am what they call a fan girl for Robert now and I think that's just stupid. He's my ex boyfriend for goodness sakes! I hate that word. 'Ex' boyfriend. I go to the kitchen of my house and get my ice cream and a spoon as I prepare for my now normal Friday routine. Watch jimmy kimmel while eating ice cream while I am wrapped up in a iron man blanket and am wearing Roberts old sweatshirt that he left here before the worst vacation of my life. I had a chance to go back to Florida but I swore after that day that I would never step foot in Florida again. I made the worst mistake of my life that day. Robert left me 14 messages and called me 45 times. To this day I remember that. I still haven't listened them because it's his voice. I can't sit through a interview with him in it without crying. Just as I began to tear up the show starts.

'Well what do you know the guest is none other than Robert fucking Downey Jr!' I think. Time to cry.

Through the interview they talk about the usual. Avengers, life, Indio and his band. The last question asked was

"So Robert, have a certain special someone this valentines day? It is tomorrow you know?"he tries to play it off but I know him to well. Something is getting to him and he's about to let it out. The tears begin to fall from his eyes.

"Umm I'm sorry. To be honest I just broke up with Sarah because I never really wanted to be with her. She was never who I wanted. The woman I wanted to marry slipped out of my life just over two years ago. I gave her a choice in one of the last messages I ever left her on the phone and she chose the choice I feared. I can't think straight I can't deal with my emotions. I can't even talk about the topic without crying. I want her back so bad and I just can't live with out her. Alyssa if you watching I'm sorry. Choosing this job was the worst choice of my life. What I would give to just hear your voice once more. My life is miserable without you and I want you and our love back. If your watching, call me. The number is the same and all I want is you. Please please please, love me?"

I shut the tv off and grab my phone. "Shit I should have listened to the messages. He said he gave me a choice but because on my stupid head I never listened to them. I listen to all of them and I get to the last one. I hear Roberts voice on the line.

"Baby I realize now that if I love you I will let you go. The choice I will give you is you can call me back and we can talk through this, or you can just not call me and I will get the hint that you don't want me and I need to let you go. I'll give you 48 hours. I love you forever and always."

No! I'm so stupid. I need to call him like now!

I dial the number that I have memorized now and after one wring it clicks on.

"Hello? This is Robert Downey Jrs. assistant Jude speaking. How may I help you?"

"Jude it's Alyssa. Please let my speak to Robert."

"Oh my gosh! Alyssa!" I hear in the background a crying Robert say, "wait Alyssa?! My- well not my but Alyssa?!"

"Yes Robert, Alys-"

"Shut up and give me the phone Judsie!"

I can't help but laugh.

"Lyssa bab- I mean Alyssa. You called?"

"Yes Robert I saw you on Jimmy's show and I wanted to tell you that these past few years have been the most miserable years of my life. I want to hug you and I just want to see you."

"Where are you right now?"

"My house."


"95 love lane, Heber springs Arkansas."

"Stay there and don't move for the next... Three hours. Lov- uhh I mean bye."

...3hours later...

*knock knock knock*

I go to open the door and right when I do I am smothered by lips. Roberts lips, all over mine. He pulls away and regrets his decision to kiss me.

"Um I'm sorry."

I grab his face and kiss him back.

"I missed you more than anything. I have so much to tell you." I say.

"Cant we just make out, or you know 'make a baby' first?"

"There will be no making babies until where we stand with each other is decided. Now sit so we can talk."

"So what's new in your life?" He asks.

"Well, my best friend got married as you know. She married Scott. I'm going to school to be a producer. My dad died on a car crash. My mom hates me because she thinks that I should be the one dead and not him, my-"

"Wait, I'm so sorry about your dad but I need you to explain the mom thing."

"Well I was driving the car and my dad was in the seat next to me. We were at a stop light and it turned green. I hit the gas and a drunk semi truck driver did too but he was coming from the right so he smashed into the passenger side door and killed my father. My mom says that I'm worthless and I killed my dad. She says I should be the one dead. For a while I came to believe her and I tried to kill myself my mom was there and she helped me set the whole thing up. She hung the rope for me and she even handed me a knife in case the rope didn't work. My brother came in and stopped her and we escaped. That's when I realized that I was not worthless but my choices I hade made were stupid. I should have stayed with you but I didn't. I'm sorry."

"Baby I love you so much. I want you more than anything and I would throw my whole carrier away just to be yours."

"Take me back? Please?"

"Of course baby. I will take you back."

We make out and I find my way to his lap.

*** I start to grind on hip and he carries me down the narrow hallway to my room. He plops me down on my bed and rips my cloths open.

"One question? Do I have to wear a condom because I need you like NOW?!"

"Baby I like you way better without one. So no."

With that he strips down and thrusts into me. We continue with the love making for hours on end and It is amazing.

"Babe, that was the best sex ever!"

"Make up sex is always the best as they say."***

We fall asleep in each others arms and I never want him to leave.


Happy now?! Lol I love you all so much. Alyssa's life turned into a piece of shit after Robert was gone didn't it? Wow. 3 comments = new chap.

Mr. Right (a Robert Downey Jr. teacher student fan fic)*UNDER MAJOR EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now