After that everyone came out of their trance. Though every one was out of their trance there was an awkward silence looming over the table. What happened in the 3 seconds I wasn't here?

“Um okay....siblings let's go to school!” What was stuck up he's butt? I was still eating.

“But.....Gabe.....Pancakes?” I sounded like an idiot with food in your month.

“Let's go or we're leaving you.” I gave Gabe the death stare. He was so pushy. I sighed and gobbled down the rest of my food.

I mopped up the stairs to get my stuff. I jammed all my into my old back back. Which strips are about to give out.

This was about to be a wonderful start to my day!

First waking up early, then no breakfast, then Gabe decides to be a total jerk.

I jogged down the stairs in fear of being late.

“Bye mom, bye dad.” I pecked at both of their cheeks. I completely ignored Gabe and got into he's car.

As usual Gabe took he's time. I cannot believe my parents don't trust me with a car!

“Come on Addie. Stop mopping.” He was also a very good convincer. Note the sarcasm.

Before he could make me feel guilty, I left the car in a hissy fit.

"Hey-hey!" Lizzy my best friend shouted. She was the quite opposite of me she popped out every where she went. In fact all my friends were like that.

We knew each other since we 3. She was the loud side of me. She was the side of me that made me want to pop.

"Hi." I wasn't in the mood for her poppiness, if that is even a word.

“Someone isn't in the mood to play.” Was I that easy to read?

"Someone's early" laughed Trent.

“And she also woke up on the wrong side of the bed.” I wasn't in the mood for any of this.

I realized I was growling, but it was more like a soft purr.

I sighed and let it go. I looked around to see my closest friends already all cozy in their seats, Lizzy of course was seated next to me, since we were best friends before I could walk. And we met each other at 3....that says some thing.

Trent, Sam, Joel, and Nick were like the brothers I wished I never had, I mean Trent and Nick were total players hitting on everyone in a ten meter distance. And Joel and Sam had serious girl friends that were both running late again. Joel was the quiet one but he when he opens up he can't shut up. Like my brother they were really protective, all close friends to my brothers, and all on the football team. Then I saw the twins, Emma and Anna having a heated discussion about llamas (Anna didn't believe they existed)

Forever HISDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora