An Ultimatum

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          Jess Pov.

           I realized a hole in my plan after leaving the camp. Jason is mortal, he will die when I reincarnate. I can't let that happen! I know the old Seven watch us, maybe even hear our thoughts, so I shadow-sprint a mile away from camp. "I know you can hear me! You know what I want! I'll do the task tomorrow if you give Jason immortality!" I wait a moment, but nothing happens. "Look, I just want to know my brother is okay! Is that too much to ask!?" No answer. I sit on a stump, and try not to cry. My patience is rewarded with a letter in a box, falling from the sky.


       We'll allow it. Your brother will receive immortality, as well as a minor power. Ice. He can manipulate it, make it, shape it, you name it. In return, the task is tomorrow.

                                                                        The Former Seven.

          I reread the letter, in my mind it says, 'Jess, you saved your brother, and will be executed tomorrow for it. Ta-ta!' I walk into camp, taking the long way so I can compose myself. I want to savor this day, every second. I join the group, who are lazing around in the bedding. "Jess, I need you to settle an argument. If you could trade powers, would you choose mine, or Jin's?" Max asks. I laugh.

            "Neither! Shubbs is a mind reader! I'd take hers! Wait, would my powers pass on to her?" Max nods. "Then no. I'd choose to be powerless. Prism, and Dusk would destroy her, she wouldn't last a day!" She gives me a funny look.

           "Who're those?" She asks.

           "They are the angels that represent my powers. Oh, and part time voices in my head." I answer. I notice they are looking uncomfortable.

           "A-Adam told us that one of th-them said something weird." Max stutters.

           "What exactly?" I ask.

           "I-I heard the dark one s-say that she's sorry a-about causing your d-death!" Adam accuses. I panic, but think of a convincing lie.

          "She has tried to kill me multiple times." I say flatly.

           "Why didn't you tell us?!" Red is outraged, a first.

           "Hasn't come up." I hate lying to them.

           "Please tell us if anything like that happens!" Shelby scolds.

           "I will." Another lie! I say these so easily. I'm a horrible person, no, a monster.

            "Ok. Now, if your powers didn't carry over, whose would you pick? Other than Shubbs." Max resumes his question.

             "Sky's. I can't use Mjolnir to fly, or the Few will find me. I just...miss the feeling." I'm nostalgic for the old days, but I think these ones are better. I remember so many nights where I felt empty, because Sly was on a month long mission. We had very scarce moments where we talked via Jarvis. Jarvis sent me a voice recording that melted me.


       "Master Jess, you have a recording from Master Sly." I squeal with delight.

        "Thanks Jarvis! Play it please!" There's a moment of silence before I hear his wonderful song.

     Back to real time.

     I listened to this every night until the news came out. He wasn't on a mission, he was with Kala! I clench my fists unintentionally. Jin puts a comforting hand on my shoulder. "You ok?" I feel my rage melt. I sink down, letting myself fall into the pillows.

       "Y-Yeah. Just...thinking of things I shouldn't dwell on." I know the wistfulness shows in my voice. Max reaches over, caressing a stray lock of hair behind my ear. He searches my eyes. "I'm f-fine."

        "If you say so." He doesn't believe me. Shelbs picks up the conversation.

       "How about we play truth or dare?!" Sudden, but not unwelcome. "Jess truth or dare?! I think you picked dare! I dare you to kiss all three of them! Oh, also have like fifty babies!" My cheeks are tinted pink.

       "I-I pick t-truth!" I stutter.

       "Fine." She smirks. "What are Jin's, Adam's, and Max's redeeming qualities?" I look at my feet.

        "Jin is s-smart, and i-it's cute to s-see him shy. A-Actually, it's cute to s-see him all th-the time. M-Max is always s-so concerned about u-us. Th-The reason he's m-mad Max is b-because he c-cares. A-Adam's sm-smile can light up a r-room, evenif th-the room is full o-of people that j-just saw their w-worst fear." I bury my face in the blanket. "Happy?" She nods. Let me tell you, this night ended with me kissing, sitting on their laps, and cuddling with all three of them. Also a lot of blushing. Probably the best night ever!

       Author here! Last update for the week, reason is on my crafting dead book. Sorry! See ya Belladonnas! 

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