The Eighth

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     Aphmau Pov.

  The village was alight with some new piece of gossip about the Seven. I wasn't picked, but I was alight with joy! The  gossip made less people beat me. I was the village slave girl. Around ten I was caught stealing and enslaved. It was a piece of bread damn it! It wasn't even a full loaf! Now around eighteen (I can't remember my birthday.) I am put to use. I was a slave for these monsters we call human. 

   The infrequent beatings allowed me to finally enact my plan. I trained myself to fight with a sword, spear, dagger, you name it. I didn't fight clean either. I got beaten whenever they caught me not in the vicinity, but I was never found out. They got too cocky, so they relaxed around me. My plan was to hide in a cloak and escape undetected. I had a few close calls but wasn't caught.

   Then a box drifted down to the entrance of the cave I stayed in, almost starving. The box was purple, my favorite color. It matched my bruises. The lid was opened and I found a letter in it which stated;

     Jessica/ Aphmau,

  We're sorry we couldn't save all of the slaves. We realized you were a perfect candidate for a Seven member. But you aren't a Seven. You are the Eighth, the most powerful being in existence. You are the leader of the Seven. You have the power of both light, and darkness. Don't be scared of the latter power. The dark isn't bad, if the person who wields it isn't. The combination is unstable, and you are the first Eighth to be made. You can defeat all the Seven combined easily, but don't turn against them. You can save the world or plunge it into chaos. Choose wisely. Meet the others in the northern mountains. 

                                                                                                                         Love all the former Seven.

I was strong huh? I didn't feel strong. I felt like a broken child. I turned to the mountains anyway. 

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