"You're cute when you're flustered."

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    Aph Pov.

    I wake up to the sun pouring through the tent walls. I see the rest of the gang on the other side of the room, trying not to disturb Jin, and I. I snuggle into his chest, letting myself enjoy the moment. He seems to be half-awake, and starts to run his fingers through my hair. I let my hands wander to his back, feeling wiry muscle through the sweater. How did I manage to get all of them to like me back? I have no idea, and at this point it doesn't matter. If I get too attached, I might fail them. If I don't do my job, they'll never gain immortality. It'd be my fault... again. I can't let them get too attached to me, so I sit up slowly. "Megan, if you weren't my best friend, you'd be dying in horrible ways. Actually, I take that back. I'd just lock you in a room with Ross, and the only way you'd get food would be through romantic action." I threaten. Shelby's just giggling, making me question if I said something funny. I frown, confused. 

    "She's in La-La land from seeing another ship sail. You aren't going to be able to reach her." Max assures me. I think there's some kind of 'guy pact' going on. Like a mutual code of 'no hard feelings'. Or I might be wrong. When my eyes adjust, I see that Sky is flipping pancakes on the burner.

    "We didn't want to wake you, or correction, Megan didn't want to wake you." He flips another pancake, expertly landing it on the spatula. I'm impressed.

    "I didn't know you can cook!" Sky nods, and smiles. I love that smile of his.

   "Yup! Max, and I were basically forced into cooking classes. We think our moms had a crush on the chef, so they kept sending us there. He taught me a few things, but funnily enough, Max burned everything." Foreshadowing much? I guess the Seven had a sense of humor. I forget they had to leave their villages to be here sometimes. When I look over to Shubbs, she snaps out of her daze.

    "Red, Barney, Ross, we have to, umm... patrol! Sorry, took me a moment to remember!" I know what she's doing. She's trying to get us alone! She herds those three out of the tent hurriedly, zipping the tent flap closed as she leaves. 

    "As obvious as that was, Shubbs is getting better with her element. And I'm not just talking about powers, she's been playing Cupid recently." Max comments.

    "I know she's messing with Jin, and I, but she also seems to be messing with you. What exactly has she done?" I ask, careful to hide my blush when I mention Jin. He stirs beside me, sitting up.

   "Sh-She well uh..." Jin trails off. "Well we talked about you, how we were going to tell you." What?! I feel my face heat up. "She heard us talk, and recommended some things." I try to bury my blushing face in the blanket covering us, sinking into the comforter. Max strides across the room, sitting down beside our bedroll. 

  "You know, you really shouldn't hide your face. You're cute when you're flustered." I dig my face even deeper in the covers. Did he really say that?! Or is this an elaborate dream? At the moment, the latter seems more likely. Jin is back to running his fingers through my hair.

   "Done!" Sky calls. Saved by the bell! The smell of pancakes floods the tent, and Sky is carrying four plates! He's balancing one on his head, holding two, and levitating one. They all are already covered in syrup, and have a tiny bit of butter in the center. The one he's levitating floats over to me.

    "Thanks!" I exclaim. I grab the fork on the plate, and take a bite. I can't help but moan in pleasure, this is delicious! I clamp my hand over my mouth, embarrassed. Max lets out a chuckle.

    "Enjoying yourself, Jess?" He teases. I playfully punch him in the shoulder.

    "I can't help it, it's great food!" I defend myself, trying to muster some dignity. I'm back under the covers, only popping out to take a bite of the amazing pancakes. Sky isn't letting me though. He moves the plate farther away, so I have to poke my whole head out to reach it!

   "H-Hey!" I whine. "Give it back!" Sky shakes his head, and playfully wags his finger in front of his nose.

   "Nope! Max has a point, it's cute to see you blush. You've got to stop hiding it!" I only redden more at his comment. 

    "I-I'm not b-blushing!" I squeak, and Max gives me a disbelieving look.

    "Then what's that on your cheek, jelly?" He asks in a playful tone. 

    "N-No! It's the essence of sass, obviously!" I shoot back, fumbling at first. 

    "Sure." Sky responds sarcastically. "I'm relatively sure that's just in your bloodstream." 

     "Do you need to have a long chat with the hamster? My magical paperweight is looking for a fight." I threaten. My only response is a small laugh, and a brilliant smile. I feel a hand on the covers, and they're lifted off me! I can almost believe I'm part strawberry right now!

 I feel a hand on the covers, and they're lifted off me! I can almost believe I'm part strawberry right now!

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     I turn to see Jin, covers in hand. 

    "S-See, isn't that b-better?" He asks me, stuttering. I stick my tongue out at him.

    "N-" I'm cut off by Max, laying down next to me, and wrapping his arms around my waist.

    "Yes, it is. Don't argue!" He orders. I completely forget about the pancakes, and dig myself in between them. Their bodies are warm, and I feel safe. I see Sky throw the pancakes on the small folding table for later, then he walks over. He lays down above me, caressing my face. I melt into all their warmth, and snuggle into them. We stay like that awhile, and I fall asleep. The word 'safe' echoes in my mind, right before I fall asleep. I suddenly know how to trick them into killing me, and the embraces now feel like a tight chain around me. I'll never be safe, but they'll try to make me. I'm going to pretend to be my favorite uncle. 

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