No Nightmares.

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   'Echo' Pov.

   He's alive, he's alive, he's alive, he's alive! Sly is alive! It is the only thought that crosses my mind after seeing him. He's okay! I couldn't live with myself if one of my friends died! (Friendzoned!) I jump to another tree, and land on my feet. I was a good distance away from the campsite, maybe two hundred feet away? Anyways they can't see me. I sat there for a long minute, before realizing that the Few might stay the night in the tent. Good thing that I am comfortable sleeping in a tree! I move to the fork of a sturdy oak, almost void of small branches, perfect. I drift off, not willing to take my cloak off. I don't think anything can ruin this feeling! I don't think I'll ever have a nightmare again!

  Katz Pov.

  We slept in a small room in the tent, that Ross, Seven of magic summoned. I woke up in the middle of the night to see someone on a chair in the corner! Shelby? Yeah, I think that's her name. She looks at me, and says,

   "Quiet, don't wake them up! I am Seven of love, so I can listen to thoughts about it. Right now, I am picking up a bunch of thoughts from those two, and you, well you were dreaming something similar." I turn red, knowing what my dream was about. Jess. I know the other two must be thinking of her too. I nod slowly. She looks at Sly for a moment and giggles. "He's dreaming about A-Echo's friend." I wonder why she stuttered.

   "Echo knows Jess?" I ask.

   "Yup, why do you think she's your lead silly!?" She giggles again. She turns to Steven, "Oh, he's trying to get her to dance in this weird ball? Do you know anything about it?" 

   I think about it for a moment. "Yes, it's probably the Asgardian ball she threw after she built Asgard. I remember him pestering her to dance, and she eventually did... with Castor, just to spite him." She looks thoughtful,

   "Does he like her too?" I chuckle,

    "No, they were like siblings." She frowns,

    "Aww, I can't even use a shape to describe her love, triangle? Is it a hexagon? Is it a diamond? I don't know, and I want to. Go back to sleep." I shake my head, but she just lifts her hands, and my vision tunnels. I nod off.

   In the morning I see the majority of the Seven awake, except for the one called Barney. I notice Echo isn't here, and ask Sky,

   "Hey, where'd Echo go?" He just shrugs it off,

  "Echo leaves often. She probably slept in a tree." 

   "But there was a storm last night." He suddenly starts laughing his ass off!

    "Sorry, heh. If you think that'd stop her, than you are sorely mistaken." He says cryptically. I was confused but didn't pry.

    "Ookay. So, umm... nice weather we're having?" He chuckles.

    "Your friend Jess was last seen a week ago, at the Ru'an territory." Ok, Ru'an remember that Katz.

     "Thank you, we've missed her so long!" Suddenly he looks so guilty. He frowns, and I walk away. 

    Echo Pov.  (I've almost written Whisp, so many times because of my other story.)

   I sat on a tree by the campsite, and studied them. I turned back to look for guards of any sort every once in a while. I notice Max walk up to the tree.

   "So, what is going on with the Fe-newcomers?" I ask.

    "Adam has told them you're in Ru'an. Why do you lie to them?" He asks tentatively.

    "If I went back, and let my guard down, Loki would kill them all while my back is turned, and I would be either dragged back to that village, or feel the guilt for the rest of my life." I answer in a dead tone, letting the sentence run on.

  He looks slightly pitying, my least favorite emotion. I scowl at him, and he laughs.

   "Nice to see you smile!" My scowl deepens.

   "I didn't have any nightmares last night." I say suddenly. He looks rather happy for me.

   "Nice to hear! So, you don't need any help from Jin?" My blush is rather obvious.

    "No I don't. It seems knowing Sly lived through it helped a lot."

    "I was wondering if you want to visit a waterfall that I follow while following the river?" I think about it, before answering,

     "Sure, sounds like fun!" He turns pink, and I still don't know why! 

    "R-Really? G-Great!" He stutters.

     We start walking down the river, making small talk. After a short while we come across the water fall. It is absolutely stunning! The water reaches a small cave, and makes it look like a rainbow is at the entrance! I suddenly get a great idea! I jump in! Max looks around for me, not realizing where I am. "Jess?!" I surface near him, making sure he doesn't see. I grab his ankle and pull him under! He sputters, and I start laughing,

   "Aph, why?!" He sounds betrayed! I giggle.

    "It was a perfect opportunity! Too cute!" He flushes. Was it something I said?

   "Oh well, I can dry off with fire after." I frown, I had forgotten he can do that. 

   "Hmmpph!" I say huffily. He grins.

    "Do we have a Sassmau?!" He sasses.

    "Depends whether we have a mad Max?!" I sass back, and do a perfect sassy hair flip. He growls a bit in the back of his throat.

    "We definitely have a Sassmau!" He pauses for a moment. "And we certainly have company." He looks towards a bush on the riverbank. I know immediately who he's talking about,

     "Shubbs, is that you?!" I call. "I know you're there. Shelby steps out with a smile on her face.

     "Guilty as charged! At least I have a Mithmau drawing now!" I blush profusely, and find Max doing the same. 

      "Shelbs, ever heard of something called privacy?" I thought it was Max who said it, but I see Ross by a rock, with an easel! 

       "You did it too!" Shelbs shot back, and stuck her tongue out at him! I laugh internally, Rolby! I splash both of them with water, and they run away, like cowards! I laugh so hard that I might turn blue! I was rather embarrassed, but I think I hid it well enough. I calmed down a bit, and we got out. Max turned into a human torch, and his clothes were instantly dry. I'm jealous he can do that!

      "Thanks for bringing me here! It's beautiful!" He stutters,

      "N-Not as b-beautiful as y-you!" We both turned redder than cherries! I managed to squeak,

     "Th-Thanks, th-that's really sw-sweet." I rubbed the back of my neck, and there was an awkward moment of silence. I try to defuse it.

    "Lets go in the cave! It'll be fun!" He nods, because the Author is lazy. Oops, fourth wall! I drag him by the arm, and we head in. He lights a flame in his hand, and I have a ball of light follow me. I see a sight that makes me so angry I might explode. Loki.


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