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       Jess Pov. 

    I woke up with my head throbbing, and I feel a hand on my face. It wasn't unwelcome, though I was a bit surprised to find it was Jin again. I remember being really loopy, oh my Irene! Last night's events were coming back to me! I asked Jin to stop the nightmares, and I kissed him on the cheek! But he did stop the nightmares! The only really bad one I had was about Sly. He said it was my fault, I still think it is too. If I had ran I would have stopped Loki from hurting him. I would have gotten caught by the guards though. He didn't even have his suit! All I did was shoot lightning at Loki, stopping him from killing Sly. But Loki hit him in the arm, cutting it off. I was caught right after, I wasn't able to find out whether he died. I felt like a train had hit me, and Jin was only solace from the pain. I laid there admiring him for a minute before I sat up, blushing like crazy. "Ow!" When I moved the headache got a lot worse! Shelby seemed to startle a bit, and glanced my direction. She saw me clutch my head, and asked

  "Are you ok." I nod assuringly,

  " Yeah just a headache!" I lie. But then I notice that Ross had an arm around her. "Rolby!" I announce. She stuck her tongue at me,

  "JinMau!" She made me blush like there was no tomorrow! I notice Ross was rubbing his neck with his other arm, there was a huge, purple bruise! I panic audibly,

 "Why is Ross hurt?!" Barney, and Red, who were chatting in the corner, looked uneasy at my question. Jin had awakened, and I was too tired to protest him continuing to stroke my head. Actually it was more like I didn't want him to stop! Ross had sat up, alert. Shelby splutters a bit before answering,

 "He umm.. tripped, yeah that's it!" Ross nodded furiously. But he looked like this emoji 🤥 (Fourth wall is for losers!)

"If you're not going to tell me the truth, at least come over here so I can help!" I say exasperated. He shuffles over guiltily, still rubbing his neck,

 "I don't know how you'd help." I stand up, and I move a pillow behind me, I didn't want to get hurt in case I passed out. This power takes a lot out of me.

Max Pov. Ech- I mean Aph, stood next to Ross. She looked at the bruise and flinched. She moved a pillow behind her. Jess started to count down while cupping her hands,



"Three!" A bright light filled the room, and she fell backwards. I dove, and I managed to catch her. I looked at Ross, his bruise was gone! Ross looks relieved like this emoji 😌 and shocked like this one 😲. It was fourth wall breaking syndrome! Oh Irene help us! Really though, I should stop doing that. Jin looked her over, and pointed out a bruise on her neck! She took his pain?! I didn't know she could do that! I hope she wasn't in that much pain! I felt her sit up,

  "Now I know why you were rubbing your neck Ross, this hurts." I was horrified when she continued, "It isn't as bad as this one time I got lost after a mission, and I.. I was hit for two months straight." I couldn't help but clench my fist at that mayor, who caused my love so much pain! The others were looking everywhere, but her eyes. "I was too scared to try to escape after that." She adds softly. Jin started to get a teensie weensie bit upset...

  "That was stupid! I can't believe you did that! You piled that on top of a head wound!"

"Head wound?" She asks before feeling her forehead, finding a bandage. I see her eyes widen.

 "Take care of yourself for once! You've ignored yourself again! Help yourself above all others!" She starts to yell back,

"No, the last time I chose the selfish thing, my best friend became an amputee!" More softly, she continues, "I don't want that to happen to any of you..." We were surprised to no end, and we stopped squabbling so Jin could help with the bruise. We started to ask her questions, and she didn't respond. I realize she fell asleep, for the fourth time in a row, in Jin's arms!

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