Echoes in the Night

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    Max Pov. 

   " It has been two weeks Echo, when will you tell us your real name?!"  I say while stumbling on a rock. Man hiking sucks! We were headed to a nearby village south of here to get supplies.

   " Again with this question? You tire me." Echo replies.

    "Ugh." I groan frustrated.  The girl was so secretive! She also really argued against going to the village. She was really uptight. But she also has saved our asses from bandits, singlehandedly slaughtering them all. We were all getting used to our powers, so we were relatively defenseless. Occasionally we trained, and Echo had beaten all of us at least once. Then we saw the gates.

   Aph Pov.

 " Stop here."  I was slowly moving towards the woods again. "Shelby, and I must stay here."

  "What, why?" The redhead squeaks. "I want to go!"

"If you really want to go, than I won't stop you. But you guys must protect her with your lives."

 "Okays Ms. crazys chicks." "Buts whys can'ts yous goes?" Asks eyepatch guy Barney.

  I pull up my sleeve a little so only I can see my scars, and reply,

  "History." "Well off you go!" I jump onto a branch after that.

  Sky Pov. 

 Echo was being suspicious, what was new?  I turned to the gates, and said in a determined voice,  " Lets go." We headed into the village. The guards let us in without a word strangely enough. The market was plentiful, but a small neglected shack drew my attention. Upon closer inspection the inside was bare and had a shackle at the center. Wait was that blood?

"My god.." Jin trailed off. 

"Let's get the supplies then ask." " So we can make a getaway." I say fearfully. 

Time skip brought to you by the Authors laziness.

We had gotten the food, water, tents, and bedrolls, when we decided to ask a sturdily built man.

"Excuse me sir, but we were wondering about the shack in the market place, the one with blood in it?"

"That belonged to the mayor, it was for the girl who stole from us, kept her there for eight years or so. We beat her often. I did it after shopping, until the bitch escaped!" 

I was horrified, the others were too. I got the courage, and said, " What did she steal sir?"

" A finger sized piece of bread." Came the horrifying reply.

After being absolutely being absolutely mortified and sad I asked, "What was her name?"

" She never told us, but we called her something I think with an E." I was shocked, it was Echo! I felt so bad for her, and the others were going into shock. But we were interrupted by a little boy saying,

  " The mayors house has been burnt down, he is dead inside!" I didn't care about the mayor but we ran there anyway to see Echo jumping from roof to roof with a torch.

" Holy crap, we need to get out of here!" I yelled, we sprinted away, but someone caught Shubbles arm saying,

" While Echo is gone we can beat this one!" Max did the only thing he could, and lit the guy on fire!" 

"Thanks!" Shelby said. We got out by using our powers to stop any attackers vying for Shelbs. Once we were out we all got into the woods with Echo in front of us jumping tree to tree. Then we got to a clearing.

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