Really it's Nothing....

441 15 3

    Jessica Pov. 

  I was waking up, confused I reached into my sheath, and I pulled my dagger out. I threw it at the nearest person, Jin. He almost got hit, but he summoned an ice shield lazily. He seemed distracted."Woahs theres Jets!" Barney said in alarm. 

   "Oh I'm sorry Jin!" I apologize, giving him a hug. He turns to a shade of pink, why do they keep doing that!?

  "Don't sweat it Jess!" He squeaks seemingly nervous. Is that his default emotion? A question for another time perhaps. I looked around me, I was in the tent.. okay. 

"Did I pass out?" 

 "Yes, we were worried sick!" Came Max's reply.

  "Sorry, I guess I might have dozed off." I try to shrug it off, but that isn't fooling them.

  "When was the last time you really slept?" Ross asked concerned.

  " Don't lie to us!" Red adds.

  " Umm, is this necessary? Really it's nothing...." I deflect.

  "Yes its is Jets!" Barney yells. Wow he yelled, that's new.

    "I um... well, two months, maybe three? I respond. "That isn't bad, I-Yawn." My body chose that moment to betray me! I hate these bodily limitations! I look for a exit, but I'm surrounded! They look at me in shock.

   " Why, Jess?!" Red asks startled. I was a bit scared they might force me to sleep. They were important, not me. I could be hurt, they can't afford to be. I was surprised they cared!

  "Why do you guys care?! I'm a mistake, a bump in the road! You guys matter, you're the Seven, I don't, and I'm fine with it as long as you guys live comfortably!" I yell genuinely confused. " This game doesn't need me, I'm an extra pawn!" They look at me, horrified by my response. They were actually worried about me? No they must be faking!

   "Jess you are important, we would have died a long time ago without you!" Max yelled, angry at me. But he just was proving my point, I matter when I help them!

   "I know! That is why I only matter when I help you!" I say frustrated. Max realizes his mistake in his wording, and he lets Sky take over.

  "Jess, stop being stubborn! You matter to us, hell if you didn't exist we would be dead, and depressed without you!"

   "No without me, you would have more food, and water! You wouldn't know I ever existed, so your depressed argument falls to dust!" I am genuinely enraged they care! 

   "Jess, stop caring for once! Think about yourself!" Jin looks angrily at me. Not nervous for once, yes! I was debating making an Echo worthy escape, but I had nowhere to go! I hated feeling caged! I tried to make a sprint for the door, and I almost made it. I jumped over Barney, but he made an earth wall over the door. Crap! I was sick of this. I used my light to make a small barrier, but my work through the wall with a dark ball was slower than usual because I was tired. So Adam eventually got past it by jumping over, within a couple tries. He grabbed me I tried to wiggle out, but he held on fast!  I suddenly was flushed, and my vision tunneled. Where in all hells did he get chloroform?!

  Sky Pov. Now I know what your thinking, Sky do you just carry chloroform around?! That's creepy! No I don't normally. But Aphmau is super stubborn. She was likely to refuse to take care of herself. So we decided chloroform was the safest bet. But I felt bad, she didn't have much of a chance.

   Well at least I got to hold her a bit, she was too light. It was unhealthy. But I disregard that just to continue having her in my arms. I realize Max must be so jealous, he hasn't gotten to do anything of the sort. So to avoid conflict I set the angel down. She looked calm, until she started whispering "Why did I do that? He shouldn't have died! Why!?" I checked, and she seemed to still be sleeping. So she was having a nightmare? She started crying in her sleep. It was too much! I once again felt bad. I was a bit miffed when Max decided to be more brave than I...

   Max Pov. I was examining that perfect, selfless, angel of a woman. She started to murmur something I couldn't make out. She started to cry a little, I couldn't let anyone else beat me to it. I brushed her tears away with my hand. It was nice to see her slightly more happy. Man was she beautiful. I noticed Adam, and Jin look jealous, and I stop. I don't want anyone on the Seven to hate me! I feel the tension between us ease a bit when I stop. I feel my face go redder than even Jin's! Luckily I was saved by Red,

  "What should we do about her not eating?" I guess neither of her problems have a long term solution except teaching her that she isn't worthless.   I stepped in with a partial solution,

  " We might have to watch her carefully at meals, and call her out when she slips us food." I remember her doing that for Jin once or twice, and for me too. Barney adds a bit to my solution,

   "Ors wes coulds slips foods on hers plates!" I feel that would work best.

    "I could influence her to feel more hungry at meals!" Shelby says, coming up with a perfect idea.

     "Great idea Ms. Shubble!" Ross says cheekily. She sticks her tongue out at him. They are too cute together! What do I call them? Shoss? Rolby? Yeah Rolby it is! I was jolted out of my shipping thoughts by Jess sitting up abruptly. She looked like she just saw the nether! Her face was pale, and her eyes were darting everywhere. She slowly got up. Then she did something that made me kinda happy. She walked up, and slapped Adam! He was so surprised that he tumbled backward. She was furious,

  "How dare you use chloroform on me! You couldn't of respected my wishes?!" I enjoyed seeing the hand shaped red mark on his cheek when he turned to say,

   "I-I can't respect your wishes when they are hurting you!" I was surprised at his audacity, he could of just apologized, but he stuck up for himself! I was proud of him. Then I notice her face soften, and that pride hardens.

     "If you promise never to do that again, I will sleep more often." She whispers softly.

      "I won't-a-as long as you promise to sleep!" He stutters holding his cheek. I was so happy she decided to sleep! She spaced out after that, and we all fell asleep. Except for Red, who took watch.



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