The Dark in Her

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   Adam Pov. Jess was doing some thing, she was looking at some barrels and punched. I heard a cry of alarm "Oof!"

 "We're surrounded!" I yell picking up on the shadows I thought I saw earlier. I retreated to a stance right by Aph. I knew she didn't need help, but I was worried for her. I was just over protective. I realize Jin, and Max did the same. But our fears were unfounded, she expertly takes three out immediately with light, she didn't use the dark much. I start knocking people over with strong gusts of wind, I see Max, and Jin are working together by creating hot water and levitating it on a few. Red, Ross, and Shubbs were all doing fine, Ross casting spells, Red throwing assorted weapons at people, and Shelby with a dagger, who seemed to simultaneously make people fall in love with random objects. She  could be scary sometimes. Not as scary as Jess though.

   One of the people who seemed to be bandits calls off the fight. "You are the Seven right? Why are there eight of you?"

  Aph Pov. "Yes, and the rules got a bit smudged with only choosing Seven." I reply shakily, I know I don't belong, but I stay for their sakes. I look the man over, he has dark hair, and brown eyes like me, but he is tall. I envy him already. The man looked familiar though, and he looked slightly younger than me, maybe two years? "Who are you?" I ask pointedly.

     Max Pov. "I am Jason, this is a bandit town, why are you her-" He was cut off by Aphmau hugging him! I was surprised, and angry! Why would she hug him? Was it his looks? I am sure he's younger! He is just as surprised as I am until Aph says,

    " You don't recognize me little brother?" I was slightly more calm, but even more shocked!

   "Aph!" He shouts, and hugs back! "I thought you were killed for saving me!""Are Levin, Malachi, and Mom okay?!" Her joyful face drops. He seems to regret the question.

  Sky Pov.  He may be her brother, but I was furious with him asking that! She mumbles something, and he crouches to eye level with her, "You don't need to say it if you don't want to." She tries again,

   "They were killed in front of me..." He hugs her tighter, and says 

   " I will slaughter him!"

    "Too late, I already killed the mayor." She replies with a tear on her cheek. Oh how much I wanted to brush that tear away, and make her happy again. Jin, and Max seemed to think the same thing, but Jason hands her a handkerchief while saying,

  "Thank you for helping me get out." She nods. I wish I could comfort her, but then she seems to get angry she shouts,

    "You fell in line with bandits!? It was a one time thing when I got the bread, that fat mayor didn't need it like you did!"

"I'm sorry I was a stupid kid, and I couldn't do honest work!" Jason shouts. Aph looks at him for a couple moments,

   "Fine, I guess I left you with no choice." She says calmly.

   " It wasn't like that! It's not your fault!" He argues. Oh man I wanted to talk to her. Jess starts to get mad again, 

  "It is my fault, I got myself caught!" "I should have used my powers!" I was shocked, she had non-Seven abilities? 

  " No you would have been executed if you saved all of us like that, the lightning would have only made people call you a witch!" He shoots back.  I was so confused, but sometime during that conversation the other bandits cleared out, so we had all the time in the world.

"They found out anyways!""I need to go.." She whimpers, and runs to the woods to cool off. I was surprised, and I felt so bad for Aph. I could tell that once again the others felt different branches of my emotion. After a couple awkward minutes that Jason guy pulls us three aside. 

  "Jess seems less happy, I mean other than what happened with our family. What happened?" I look to the others for assurance, and receive two nods,

   " The village she stole from beat her continuously for eight years before she escaped, and was chosen." I say tearing up a bit. He looks enraged,

 " What, it was a piece of bread! Eight years! I'll- I'll kill everyone in that village, no exceptions!"

 "If you do that, my dear brother, you'll be no better than them." We look up to see Jess balanced on a roof like a cat. "My piece is done, I killed the worst one." With that she starts roof jumping.

"What did you mean by lightning? She has the power of light. But I know you meant before she was picked!" Max cuts in.

"We are half siblings, we have Mom in common. Her father is Thor, ours was a merchant. She used to be friends with a few other super kids. She inherited lightning and is able to pick up Mjolnir." I know I shouldn't be suprised at this point, but I am. The others are almost dead on their feet too, reeling from all her secrets. " One last thing." He starts, "I know you guys like my sister." I went as red as velvet, and so did Max. Jin seemed to be as red as a star. Scratch that, he looked like he was a supernova, either that, or he was choking. "If you hurt her there will be no place you will be able to hide from me!" He threatened, I replied with as much dignity I could muster looking like a tomato,

"We aren't stupid enough to let a girl like her to go to waste, well at least I'm not stupid enough to." I say earning me a glare from both of them. 

  " Yes Adam is right, she is sweet, smart, super strong, and the most beautiful woman I have ever seen!" Jin squeaked, I don't think it was possible for him to be more red before Max pipes in, 

" That isn't even half of it! She is stunning, and the definition of perfect!"  He looks us over once and states,

" I see you have your hearts set on her, I warn you she is not to be toyed with. Goodbye, brother in law candidates." At that comment we all manage to go to a new, unknown shade of red. Jin literally looks like he is dying, he is super shy!  We watch Jason walk away chuckling to himself. At that point Jess starts to jump back towards us, we were so embarrassed when we saw her. Jin actually choked a bit. She looks at us funny for a moment and then says,

  "Let's go to the other villages soon." We watch her converse with her brother and hug him. We departed with a bit more food supplies.

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