~Chapter 40~

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A/N - This chapter is basically about Miss Peregrine listening to Derek talk about his family so it really isn't anything exciting. 

~Third POV~

After Miss Peregrine had sent the children upstairs for bed, she crept downstairs and wandered into the main room where Derek was sitting on the sofa. "Hey, how about we get started on that conversation we planned about your family?" Her voice sounded through the silence, making him jump because, surprisingly, he didn't here her come in. 

"Um, to be honest, my family isn't really something you'd wanna hear me talk about" Derek said but in honesty, he just didn't want to talk about his family in general because it was to complicated to understand - if he were to explain it how they would explain it. 

"Not true. Surely it will be interesting. Go on" She pushed and he sighed in return and invited her to sit next to him on the sofa. 

"Starting with my grandparents. My grandfather was one of our family members to inherited our family bloodline into becoming a werewolf, something that had been passed down for centuries. My grandmother was very much human when those 2 met, having to procreate my father and my other ancestors but shortly after that, she had been bitten by some vampire which prevented her to do so anymore, consider she is basically dead" Derek chuckled at the end of his sentence before moving onto the other part of the story. 

"But, before my grandmother had become a vampire, she had my father, Elijah, and his brothers, Asher, Silas and Peter. Asher married some girl that inherited sorcery, I never really see her much but Asher and my Aunt had my cousin, his name is Dominic" He breathed before carrying on. 

"The same thing with my grandparents happened to my parents because my mother wanted to spend an eternity with my father, so my grandmother offered. But before that happened, they had my oldest sibling, Cole. He was one of us who was passed down with our family bloodline, for not everyone did so. Next after Cole was my eldest sister, Vanessa. You could say she is a bit like my aunt, except all she does is cry and scream in the process of sensing death around. You may know her as a banshee or the wailing woman" Derek looked up to see if Miss Peregrine was still on track only to be greeted with a glare since he stopped, sighing, he carried on. 

"After me, is my younger sister, Malia. I guess you could say she followed along with our family bloodline but she can also turn into a Coyote wolf, she is the one with much of a temper. The youngest sister of our sibling circle is Nevaeh. She is mainly peculiar, for she does have Telekinesis. And for the youngest, his name is Evan. He is the last to follow the bloodline of our family" Derek breathed soon as he was finished since he said all of that without taking a breath, thankful for it to be over, though he thought. 

"You have a pretty interesting family, you know. Not everyone has a good life like you do. You should always stick with them.  Anyways, tell me more about your family altogether" She smiled and scooted closer, interested as ever, getting another sigh from Derek. 

"Well, actually, the werewolf bloodline started with my family, I guess you would have figured that out already and well, I don't see them until like, every 15-20 years when we have our family reunion and they way we greet each other is rather violent, I have to say. Our ancestor, who started off our family bloodline still lays on the very earth but has been locked in a tomb for centuries, more than I can even count. And let's just say, everyone is competitive with a temper" He leaned back, sinking into the sofa. 

"When was the last family reunion you had?" Miss Peregrine asked, sitting up as her mind drifted back as to why his sister was in town. 

"I didn't go last time, or the time before because I was a bit busy" He kept his answers short, in truth, he was to busy trying to locate where Miss Peregrine was, like he has been doing ever since Caul helped him get out of the loop he had been sent to. The girl that had complete control over him no matter what he tried to do to escape the mushy feeling he had inside of him whenever he was around her.

"Maybe your sister was around because you have a family reunion in 2 days or something" Her mind clicked and he shot straight up. "If that is the case then I seriously need to be away from here. Like, you do not want to meet my family" His eyes were almost popping out of his head. "What? No! If that's the case, I might have a chance of meeting your family!" She squealed like a little girl, she hated how Derek could always make her feel like a typical teenager whilst nothing around her is normal. But when those words left her mouth, Derek instantly regretted telling her of his family. 

"If the lady insists" He rolled his eyes and sunk back into the sofa, followed by Miss Peregrine who laid next to him and they both stared at the fire, talking about whatever was relevant to the conversation, talking for the entire night until the sun started coming back up, for they started making breakfast before everyone woke up. 


"Put those pans down! Do you not remember what happened last time?" Miss Peregrine whisper shouted, glaring through his soul, literally. "Oh, right" He mouthed to her and carefully placed the pans down, but that of course didn't stop him from doing anything clumsy. 

The oil set on the counter had absentmindedly tipped over while the two of them were paying attention to each other and started dripping onto the ground, leaving Derek to stumble back a few steps back and instantly slipped over, followed by a loud noise. 

Not long after, a screeching sound made it's way through the house, automatically bringing Miss Peregrine to face palm and she coldly stared at Derek on the ground before making her way upstairs to fetch her children.

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