~Chapter 4~

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Note: I changed Derek's eagle character to a Golden Eagle so he won't have a white head :3

~Miss Peregrines POV~

After a long night of sobbing non stop I decide to check my pocket watch and it reads "4:00am" and I decided to have a bath and get changed since I looked like a train wreck.


I venture through all the rooms waking each of them up but when I reached Emma and Olives one I can see something has changed and when I went over to Emma's bed some spots on her pillow was wet.

~Emma's POV~

I was sleeping peacefully until I was woken by the face I want to see everyday. "Emma? Are you alright?" I could see that Miss Peregrine was eyeing my pillow and when I analysed her face, it looked like as if she hasn't slept in days and her eyes were a bit red than usual, then I remember what happened last night 'Did she even sleep?' I thought to myself but I noticed that she was still glaring at me. "Yes Miss Peregrine, I'm alright, if you're wondering how those stains on my pillow got there, I accidentally knocked over my glass of water" that was a total lie because before I even managed to get to the kitchen I ran back up to my room and started crying and there was no glass on my bed side table to prove it.

~Miss Peregrines POV~

"Alright then...Can you wake up Olive for me as I go and wake up the rest of your siblings?" I asked since I knew we were a bit behind schedule and Emma shook her head indicating a yes as I swiftly left the room.

Me and all my other wards were sitting around the table that was identical to the one at the old house and all my children were looking at me rather oddly. I decided to brush it off since I didn't have the energy to deal with whatever they saw in me.

~Claire's POV~

We all went down to the dining room and I was the first one there so I decided to sit next to mama. Eventually everyone arrived and when mama arrived everyone was looking at her, it looks like she didn't sleep last night and her eyes were bloodshot. Millions of thoughts were rushing through my mind but before I know it, breakfast was over.

I went over to Bronwyn and the twins and we decided to play tag outside since mama always says "Polite persons do not run in the house"

~Narrator POV~

So after breakfast everything when to its daily routine, everyone went outside to do their own thing while Miss Peregrine was inside cleaning.

~Emma's POV~

I completely forgot about last night and I was talking to Enoch, Jake and Olive when all of us, even the younger children, spotted that eagle again and it was flying around the house looking at the windows. I could see everyone was a bit confused as to what was happening and finally the eagle of some kind spotted us and I had just noticed that all the younger children were clinging onto Enoch, Olive, Jake and I as the eagle flew down to us.

A few moments later, before we even know it, a tall and muscular looking guy with black and blonde highlighted hair was standing in front of us and I heard all the children gasping.

All of us knew the legend of a male turning into a bird and human, an ymbryne. All ymbrynes were female but Miss Peregrine told us only a few left in the peculiardom were male.

~Derek's POV~

I decided to come out of my hiding spot today and flew around the house to see if Alma was in there but as I flew around for like, I don't know, the 600th time I saw 12 bunch of random children staring at me as if I was a murderer, which I wasn't I hope.

Instead of running away this time I actually built up the courage to turn into my human form in front of them. For a spilt second they gasped, guessing they heard the 'legend' of a male ymbrynes.

After a few awkward moment I smiled and threw them a wink and a little girl with blond curls and a pink dress that looks really sweet came up to me and said "Derek?" I nodded in confusion wondering how they know me but it was probably in the peculiar history book and they probably looked through it with Alma.

"I present you, Derek Eagle, sorry if I scared some of you for the past few days, I didn't intend to me seen" I commented so they knew I wasn't gonna like, kill them. "Yeah we totally didn't see you" muttered a guy that looks to be the oldest child here.

~Miss Peregrines POV~

I was cleaning like always and I finished before I thought I would, my mind was filled with a lot of thoughts and I decided to check on the children.

As I walked outside, I was holding something for Claire, Bronwyn and The Twins to play with. "Claire, Bron -" I was saying but a tall guy whipped around and I dropped the materials I was holding but it was made of glass and it shattered everywhere.

I felt pretty dumbstruck for a moment as all the children's eyes were on me with blank expressions.

"Derek?...." I asked the tall guy that was standing with all my other children's in hesitation but the moment he nodded his heads I felt an overwhelming feeling of joy and happiness, I sprinted as fast as I could, as if I was in my bird form and I ran towards Derek and threw my arms around his neck, burying my face in his shoulder trying not to shred any tears in front of my children. I felt his arms around my waist as he picked me up and swung me around but shortly after that I let go from the embrace and turned to my children. Their facial expression was a mixture of blank and surprised, instead of explaining to them who each of them was to Derek I'll just let them do it themselves, it'll be a good way for Derek to get to know them. But first I have to straighten things out.

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