~Chapter 37~

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A/N ~ I don't know if I have said this before but Myron will be in this story and he will be like how Caul is in the books! Further information below of what he looks like! He will be played by Ian Somerhalder (Because I actually can't think of anyone else and Ian is on TVP so why not) also, boring chapter up ahead. 

~Third POV~

"Caul!" Miss Peregrine's voice called through the house when they arrived back. Turns out, they never got to get what they wanted since they ended up going home straight away but that doesn't mean they didn't bring anything back. 

"And to what do I owe the pleasure to, my dear sister" Caul said as he strolled down the stairs. "Does the name 'Kate' sound familiar?" Miss Peregrine asked and that caused Caul to stop in his path. "There is a lot of people who go by the name as 'Kate' would you mind helping me?" He said, cautiously walking down the steps. "What about 'Kate Bentham' Now, I'm sure you would recognize that name" She said with a face that could kill. 

"How do you know" Caul asked, squinting his eyes. "Well, why didn't you tell me. It would have been nice to have known I had a niece" She said with a softer tone of voice. "In fact, I happen to run into a certain 'Kate Bentham' at the mall today" Miss Peregrine said and at that, Kate and Derek came through the door. 

"Papa!" Kate yelled and ran up to Caul, jumping up and wrapping her arms around his neck. "We will leave you to it" Miss Peregrine said and left to go outside with Derek trailing behind her. 

"Hello Miss P" Fiona said when she noticed that their headmistress was back. "How was your day?" Emma asked from coming up behind Fiona. "Hello girls and it was quite unexpected. Why do you ask?" Miss Peregrine responded, taking in the warm air around them. "No reason! Just curious"Emma said a bit to fast which raised Miss Peregrine's suspicions. 

"Will you excuse me, I think I'm going to start preparing lunch" Miss Peregrine moved away from the awkward tension that had risen in the air. 

Around 5 minutes later, Kate wandered outside. 

"Hey, who's that" Enoch whispered to Jake, nudging him to look at the girl. "I don't know who she is" Jake responded and not long after that, the whole backyard went quiet and was staring at Kate which made her feel a tiny bit insecure. 

"Uh..Hi I'm Kate!" She waved in er usual energetic tone of voice. "Why are you here?" Enoch yelled since he wasn't as close to where Kate was. "I'm.." she was about to answer but someone else interrupted her. "You look like Miss Peregrine and Caul. Are you their sister?" Bronwyn approached. "Oh, no! Of course not, the only sibling that my dad and Miss Peregrine have is well..each other!" Kate said and only then did she notice what she said. 

"Let me fully introduce myself. Hi, I am Kate Bentham and my dad is Caul Bentham!" Kate said with a chirpy voice.

"I didn't know Caul had a daughter" Jake whispered to Enoch who was obviously just as confused as he was. "I don't think any of us did you idiot" Enoch rolled his eyes and continued on with what he was doing and everyone else took that as a hint and continued with their previous actions. 

~A F T E R   L U N C H~

"Miss Peregrine, when are we going home?" Claire asked, watching Miss Peregrine clean the kitchen. "Well, when do you want to go home?" Miss Peregrine questioned, turning to face Claire. "I think we should go home tomorrow or the day after" Claire said and hopped off the chair to hug Miss Peregrine. "Well, if that is what you want, so be it" Her headmistress whispered into her ear and a goofy smile appeared on her face.

Claire decided to go back outside to tell everyone that they were to go home in the next few days but not long after she left, Maryann came along into the kitchen. 

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