~Chapter 11~

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Note: I'm not sure when Kate comes into the picture...

~Miss Peregrines POV~

I fluttered my eyes open to get a view that isn't very pleasant. During the night my body managed to get next to the wall where Olive and Enoch were supposed to be, Emma was floating above the bed but her hair was hanging on top of Derek's face and he managed to get to the bottom of the bed, Claires head was hanging off the edge, Olives arm was on top of Fionas face, Fionas head was on Hugh and Hugh was on Bronwyns legs while Enoch was sleeping on top of all the pillows. I turned to look at the 3 of my children sleeping on the sofa and Jakes head was hanging off the edge.

That's when I noticed the sunlight wait what? I checked my watch and it reads '7:30' I woke up late? I never wake up this late but I felt movement next to me and Claire had woken up and she woke everyone else.

"Wow, how did this happen" Emma stated, when she looked around, we were a big mess on the bed. "It's 7:30, I woke up to late, I'm sorry" I said in an apologetic tone. I usually wake up early and make breakfast for them all, this time I forgot, partly because when I did wake up earlier hours before again, I was trapped under everyone and didn't have the strength to move them all. But this won't happen again.

"That's okay Miss Peregrine, we can all make breakfast together" Fiona said in a happy tone as everyone got onto their feet and was about to rush down the staircase until, "Children, you all need to get dressed first" and they all went to their rooms.

I kicked everyone out shortly after that and decided to get dressed into my usual clothing, pinned my hair up and a natural lip colour with my signature black eye shadow.

When I arrived downstairs the children had already gotten the ingredients out and we all started baking.

"Hey Al- Miss Peregrine you have a little something on your face" Derek said while tapping on me, for a second I was going to believe him but that's when I saw one of his hand behind his back and I recalled what happened the other week with the whip cream. "Oh really? Care to get it off?" I said while smirking, I knew he was going to smash something onto my face. He swung his arm but before it could get to me, I had bent down and he had managed to get Enoch square in the face

All the children froze, even Derek, and they all faced Enoch. When Enoch whipped his eyes he was red. "What the hell was that for?" Enoch said as I gave him a death glare saying to control his language. "I'm just kidding" he muttered after he saw me staring at him, he was obviously annoyed and walked away to get a cloth and carried on with what he was doing, but shortly after that he must've forgot what happened since he got back into a good mood, well a good mood in Enoch's position anyways.

A couple of moments later we all had some kind of baking ingredient in our hair and flour was spread everywhere, the room was filled with the children's laughter.

We heard the doorbell ring and my eyes automatically went to my hawk-like ones, I told the children to stay here but Derek insisted to answer the door and we were running out of time so I nodded as he left to answer it.

~Derek's POV~

When I got to the door I hesitated to answer it but the doorbell kept ringing. I swung the door wide open.

"Hello Al-" it was Miss Avocet. "Did I come to the wrong loop?" she asked, clearly frightened "Depends, did you?" I said, I don't care what this lady is here for, I just want her to turn around and leave. "Well, I was here for Alma but looks like she's not here, is she?" she was obviously playing a game, no ymbryne is this stupid. "Of course she's here Miss Avocet, would you like me to send you a message for her." I didn't want to invite her in. "Well actually, I wanted to come and speak to her my-" I cut her off.

"You want to speak to her? You? Unfortunately she's busy at the moment looking after her children and not throwing them out even if they just made the biggest mistake ever. I remember 90 years ago you ruined my entire life, you threw me out of your loop for some unknown reason. Remember the time before I stepped outside of your loop? I told that I would never stop looking for Alma. Yes, I would admit it, I was a couple of centuries late but I managed to find her and you aren't going to convince her to throw me out like you did to me. Did you ever tell me why you wanted me to leave? No. Did I ever do anything wrong or disobey? No" I simply said in the most stubborn tone ever.

It took a moment for Miss Avocet to process what I had said. "Derek, I'm sorry alright, I didn't mean to do what I did all those years ago and I regret every moment of it now" Did this woman think I was stupid or something? I thought to myself, it's clearly a lie, anyone could tell it was even if they were miles away or the age of Claire.

"Miss Avocet, come back another time, we don't need you here" I simply said while slamming the door in her face.

When I turned the door into the entrance of the main room, Alma had been standing there listening to every bit of detail.

~Miss Peregrines POV~

I heard the door slam and my heart shattered into millions of pieces and Derek had seen that I was standing there.

"Hey I can exp-" he was about to say something but I pushed him aside and ran out the door after Miss Avocet. I felt guilty pushing him aside, I wanted to tell him that I wasn't mad at him but at Miss Avocet.

"Miss Avocet wait!" I shouted at her and she must've heard since she turned around. "Alma darling!" she said, she was about to embrace a hug but I decided to step backwards. "Miss Avocet, why didn't you let Derek stay in your loop? Was is that necessary" I said really stubbornly and I saw all the children creeping up from behind Derek and watching from the front door.

"Alma, that can't be discussed right now" this time after she said that, I was starting to get really mad and the children stepped away from the door even though they were at least a good distance away from where me and Miss Avocet were located but they must've seen I was going red.

"Why can't you tell me? Why are you keeping this a secret!" I yelled at her as my emotion changed to anger.

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