~Chapter 28~

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Note: Sorry bout the wait lol.


~Emma's POV~

Dinner finished earlier than expected and the dishes were already cleaned and since it was only around 8:00 pm, we still had an hour and a bit until the reset which is at 9:07 so Miss Peregrine went upstairs to have a shower and she instructed us to stay in the living room with Derek and Caul until she gets back.

We were all sitting in the position we usually do when we watch Horace's dream, with Claire and Bronwyn in the front, the twins behind them while Fiona is on one side of the twins and Hugh is on the other. There are 2 chairs in the same position as the old house and Olive, Enoch and Derek were sitting on one side while Millard and I sat on the other but sometimes Jake would join in on us if he were here and if he wasn't Miss Peregrine would usually sit there but today we had Caul joining us instead and there was a little gap for Miss Peregrine and Horace, of course, had his own chair.

5 minutes later Claire said something"Can we do something, I'm bored" Claire moaned. "What do you suggest we do Claire? We can't do much" Enoch replied stubbornly and went back to whatever he was doing, leaving Claire to moan even more than she was.

15 minutes later, the time was now 8:20. "Where is she? She's taking forever" Now it was Enoch time to moan as to what he said, tipping his head back. "Oh shut up Enoch. We all know how long she can take in the shower if she wants to" Horace said, fixing up his suit he was wearing.

A few moments later we heard footsteps coming down, revealing a Miss Peregrine that we all knew, she finally had her usual style on and her hair tied up like she always had it. "Yay, we can finally start now!" Claire exclaimed, making herself comfortable. "Uh yes. Sorry for the long wait, my closet got raided along with the house" Miss Peregrine said with annoyance in her voice as she shut off the light, signaling Horace to start and sat next to Caul.

The first one was of Caul, he was hugging a little girl with the same hair color as Miss Peregrine. She had a resemblance between both of them and when I looked over in their direction, Caul leaned more in front of him while smiling and then the dream changed as I looked back at where Horace was producing his dreams

The second one was of Miss Peregrine and Caul, they were standing in front of a house we didn't recognize, talking to some girl with black hair. When I turned my focus back onto them, they looked somewhat between shock and anger and Caul's previous smile had turned into a frown. "Is that Christina?.." I heard Caul whisper to Miss Peregrine, only to be ignored.

The third one was rather a nightmare, one that we have lived before. It was Mr. Barron and his hollows, they had Derek, Miss Peregrine was there too but on the ground and she looked perfectly fine, she was standing like any other being is and in the distance, you could see the children, Caul and I hiding behind something. "He's supposed to be dead!" Millard said. "It's probably just a nightmare, Millard" Hugh said.

The fourth one was more a Horace dream, usually, he would dream about the future and if he wasn't, he was dreaming about clothes. He was trying out some new clothes in front of his big mirror, much similar to his other dreams.

The fifth one was much similar to the one we first met Jake, the one that made me feel very uncomfortable, the one that included just me and him. Except this time is was Enoch and Olive, the younger children's head wandered towards their direction but it changed in time before we saw anything else, but it didn't change much. Instead, it just changed people, this time it was me and Jake, similar to the one we saw back at our old house, once again making me feel very uncomfortable. This time when it changed, it went to Derek and Miss Peregrine. When I looked in their direction I could see Miss Peregrine wasn't very satisfied and the younger children threw out one of those classic 'ooo' and the dream didn't seem to be changing and they got closer and closer.

"Alright, I think that's enough" Miss Peregrine said, racing to the light switcher and switched on the light. It wasn't quite time for the reset of our loop so we just sat in the living room, making few conversations until it was eventually time to reset the loop and we followed Miss Peregrine outside.

~Third POV~

The children and the 2 adults followed Miss Peregrine outside for the reset. There would usually be bomb's dropping over their heads, music filling their ears and raindrops splashing onto them gently but this time, there was none of that, no music, bombs nor raindrops, just a classic old reset. They had been pretty used to it, they knew how the leaves rustled, almost making a beat they were familiar with.

After the reset of course, they went inside, the children going in first then the adults, then Alma, so she can make sure everything was safe before entering. The children went upstairs, followed by Caul who would hopefully, put them to sleep and Derek wandered into some other direction. Alma scanned the environment around her and just as she was to enter, she heard someone shouting her name in the distance. "Miss Peregrine! Wait!" was all she could hear, it worried her as she thought one of her children's were taken and she crept down the steps that led up to the door. The voice kept repeating itself until she recognized who it was, Jake.

"Ah Jake, back so soon?" She questioned as she could see his silhouette forming in the distance, coming closer and closer. "S-sorry Miss Peregrine, I ran here. T-to excited to tell you so-something" Jake said between puffs, following Miss Peregrine back up to the front door and she entered, moving aside for Jake to come inside. The 2 of them made their ways to living room as Alma shut the large doors connected to the living room so their conversation wouldn't wake any of the children up.

"What is it that you wanted to say Mr. Portman?" She asked, it wasn't like for her to use their last names but she decided to anyways. "Okay so I was- I got- I have amazing news!" Jake exclaimed excitedly, maybe too excited for the bird's liking. "Go on" Miss Peregrine said, folding her arms, none of them have decided to take a seat on the couch yet and the bird could feel another's presence in the air that wasn't Jake's but she decided to ignore it, seeing that she already knew who it was.

"Okay so" Jake said, hesitating and excited at the same time. "I was wondering if you, all of you would like to meet my parents" Jake exclaimed excitedly, leaving a shocked Miss Peregrine. "Well I don't think-" The bird was about to say when a sound of movement from behind was audible. "Come on Al-" The mysterious person was about to say, stepping out of the shadows that once hid him and making his full presence knowable, but soon interrupted. "AHH" Jake screamed like a girl, jolting to the ground, holding his chest. "D-Derek, don't ever do that to me again. How did you not get scared?" Jake asked, delivering the ending of his sentence to Miss Peregrine. "I already knew he was there" Miss Peregrine answered, facing Derek.

After a few silent moments, Jake still resided on the ground, trying to collect himself and Derek decided to continue with what he was saying. "As I was saying, you should let the children out of the loop for once and into the real world, it's a wonderful place out there you know. Full of adventures, besides, Jake is inviting us and it wouldn't be polite to say no" Derek said, fluttering his eyelids in a girl-like way with a smile, which annoyed Miss Peregrine but she decided to take it in and ask the children before considering.

Jake decided to stay the night and silently climbed the staircase and into Enoch and Horace's room, where he usually would sleep if he were to stay. He wasn't at all surprised that Miss Peregrine didn't go straight back to her room after tucking him in and checking on all the other children, he, or well everyone, knew that she never slept in her room anymore, but they knew why, it was form when she screamed the other night and 2 people walked out of her room, half clothes on and the other half in their hands. The children don't even dare to think what happened.

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