~Chapter 9~

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Note: Also if it says Cauls POV, he won't be near miss peregrine, in case you guys would be confused lol, his peculiarity will also be an ymbryne but he can feel what Almas feeling like out of no where (if that makes sense..), Alma will have the same affect since they're siblings cause why not..I also haven't read the book which is why I made up Cauls personality, but I know he abuses her but NEH (If you watch Foursome on YouTubeRed Cauls personality is the character Logan Paul plays — Protective brother...sometimes) sorry if it pisses some of you off lol. I also noticed I used the letter 'I' a lot ,_,

~Miss Peregrines POV~

I suddenly woke up and while having my head down still, I decided to check my watch, it's only be 2 hours since I've been sleeping and it was 4am. I'm used to waking up at this time since I always do. I was about to get up but a body part was on top of me, I looked up to see that Derek's arm was on top of me and I recalled what happened last night, I had fallen asleep on him Oh god I whispered to myself while rolling my eyes.

After a few attempts I managed to break myself free under Derek's arm and decided to get dressed and started preparing breakfast.


After breakfast was prepared, I went upstairs to wake up the children one by one instead of screaming at them from downstairs like Miss Avocet used to do.

I left them up there so they can get changed and a few minutes later I heard loud footsteps running down the stairs which sounded like an earthquake. But Little Claire was the first one down and she ran up to me "Hi Miss Peregrine" she exclaimed excitedly "Hello little one" I said while touching the tip of her nose.

~Claire's POV~

I wanted to be the first one down stairs so I could run up to mother, I decided to get changed straight away and when I ran downstairs, I saw mother standing in the kitchen and I went to tug on her leg as she bent down. "Hello Miss Peregrine" I said and she said hello back while pinching the tip of my nose.

None of us spoke for a while and I was scanning her face, she looks so beautiful. That's when all the other children came into the room and they decided to join the two of us. It was a big family hug.

We were all hugging for a little while and Derek must have heard us all running downstairs because he just walked into the kitchen and by the look on his face, he just woke up. "Hullo Derek" I said since no one else seem to notice his presence "Hi Claire, did I just walk into a family meeting or something" he quoted making some of us laugh as we crawled off mother.

And we all went into the dining room to start breakfast.

~Cauls POV~

It was a beautiful day in the California side of America when I glanced outside of my bedroom window since the sunlight woke me up. Instead of laying in bed all day, I decided to get changed and walk around the city.

It's been only a few moments of walking and all of a sudden humongous feeling hit me like a tonne of bricks, causing me to fall backwards, luckily no one was around. What the hell was that I thought to myself, I haven't had that feeling until I was- wait, that's impossible so I decided to push that thought aside and travel back home in case it occurs again, in public. I managed to get home and entered my living room, that's when blackness started to overcome my eyes and my head hit the cold ground, for now I was just paralysed, I noticed I hadn't passed out. I knew exactly what this meant Alma?

~Miss Peregrines POV~

I was watching all the children eating their meal. "Claire do you-" I was about to ask Claire if she needed any help and all of a sudden I managed to fall off my chair and seconds after that a wave of pain decided to hit me for some reason.

"Miss Peregrine?" I heard Claire panicking so I got back onto my feet and dusted my skirt "I'm perfectly fine Claire, don't ask what happened, I have n-" before I finish off my sentence, my eyelids fell shut but before I managed to hit the ground someone caught me but I could still hear and feel everything around me What just happened? Am I blacked out or I thought to myself, I couldn't move or speak but I could sense everyone crowding me, they were panicking and I wanted to assure all my children that I will be fine and they shouldn't worry but it's like all my strength had just been taken out of me.

~Claire's POV~

Mother was sitting beside me and I had a bit of trouble reaching to clean the back of my mouth and Mother was asking me something but all of a sudden she fell on the ground and a few seconds later after she fell, she lifted her head but it hit the ground again.

"Miss Peregrine?" I asked mother, I was in panic and the others took some time to notice what was happening to mother though, she stood up before anyone noticed, but Derek seems noticed and he was making his way to us. Mother said she was okay but that time she looked like she was about to pass out. She was about to hit the ground but Derek managed to catch her.

"MOTHER?!" I yelled in fear "is she dead?" I asked Derek. This time the others noticed and they bolted to where me and Derek were with Mother. "What happened to her" Emma asked and Derek shook his shoulders with his focus still on our ymbryne.

Enoch was the last one to come over to us "What's all the f-" he was about to question something but when his eyes travelled to mother he froze, that's the first.

~Emma's POV~

We heard Claire yelling and we turned our heads to see that Miss Peregrine had passed out and Derek was holding her. We all jolted from our seats and ran to her, we were all scared that she wouldn't wake up.

After some while Derek decided to take Mother up to her bed, all of us were close behind me as we didn't want to leave our ymbryne alone.

Even though, none of us has never been in her room, we didn't even know if we were allowed in that room, but we all decided to sit with Miss Peregrine. Hours passed, it was around lunch time and she was still sleeping, Derek yelled at us downstairs but none of us dared to move so he bought lunch up to us, then dinner passed, then the loop the loop what were we going to do? That's when I remembered that Derek was an ymbryne so he was able to reset it. Then it was bed time, we all slept in Miss Peregrines room, few of us slept against the birds wall while the rest either slept on her bed or around it.

~Miss Peregrine AND Cauls POV (from third person)~

At least my thoughts are still useful Alma thought to herself, or at least she thought she was thinking to herself.

Wait who's there Caul casually said in his head since he knew what was happening. You can hear me? Alma said, she was confused at this moment but memories rushed back to her. When Caul and Alma were little they would be able to enter each other's mind when their parents would break them apart, it was like a weapon to them against their parents, but they wouldn't usually lose conscious around them.

Alma please, don't play so dumbstruck, it's me Caul. Caul said that with a sarcastic tone, he didn't know how to tell her. C-caul? Why would you contact me now after so many years? Why not when you found out you were fine? Why didn't you tell me? Why didn't you- Alma was blabbing to much, asking to much questions and Caul started to get irritated. Look Alma, what I did was wrong, but I believed that you thought I was dead for so long now. And I would like to know the same answer to your first question, I didn't contact you, I thought you did it, even though you clearly don't or remember how to anymore Caul stated, but he stated it more stubbornly than expected and he could feel that Alma was hurt. Sorry Alma...I didn't it mean it like that. I mean like, I wanted to contact you so many years ago but I didn't even know if you were alive.

Then all of a sudden all contact were lost.

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