Chapter 4:Space Western:Part 4:The Duel At Dusk

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This Part Of The Story Is Told Through The Perspective Of:Sally

  An explosion is heard outside The Honeysuckle Cantina as The Triplet Traitors leave through a back door beside their booth.The nine of us run outside the front door instead to investigate,Valdris and I in the front.We clamber outside onto The Cantina's brown roofed veranda.The final pink rays of the dusk blind us for only a moment.We adjust to the lighting and look around for the source of an explosion.

  Khrysalis withdraws his sword cane and points to the smoking and burning ruin of a two robotic horses and the also smoking and burning ruin of a stagecoach."Hey,what do you know,the luring worked out after all,"says a soft voice.

  A figure leaps down from the roof of the General Store across the street and lands a few feet in front of the smoldering horses and burning wood of the stagecoach.It's a girl,clutching a longbow tightly in her left hand."Well,who the in the God damn nine rings of Hell is that?"I inquire."That is 26 year mercenary,Myrtle Sinclair,"replies Betty.

  "Correct you are,"says the mercenary."But I prefer to go by my alias,Magnolia.Oh,and well,I'm here to kill you."Prideful douche,"I whisper.

  "Mouthy bitch,"curses Magnolia."WHORE!"I curse back."You wanna come at hoe?!Say that to my face!"I show her my face of rage and draw my katana."I think we'll just let you handle it Sally,"says Valdris."You look like you really need let it all out."I charge ferociously at her.

  "Explosive,"says Magnolia.As I rush to her,she grabs an arrow from the quiver tied at her waist and puts it in her longbow.She pulls back her bowstring with her right hand and aims the longbow at me with her left hand.Once the bowstring seems pressurized enough,she launches the arrow at me.

  I narrowly dodge it as I whirl to my right,I hear a small explosion behind me."Normal,"she whispers and launches another arrow at me.I dice it into halves and slash at her,but she blocks it with her longbow made of sweet smelling cedar.Magnolia sighs and says"It's gonna take a lot more than that to even dent my longbow,bitch."She shoves me back a few steps with her bow.

  Well her attitude sure wasn't sweet.

  "You wanna play melee bitch?!Let's play melee!"shouts Magnolia as she hangs her longbow on her right shoulder and pulls a red hilted and red sheathed kwaiken dagger from her quiver.She draws forth the blade and held it using the traditional reverse grip technique.She bared the seven inch blade at me.I didn't flinch at such a horrid attempt of intimidation.

  For a few moments,stand a meter away from each other.Stares of rage aimed at each other just like our blades,battle positions ready.Then...she charges.

  Wrong move with such a small blade.

  I parry her blade's attack and slam the flat side of my katana into her right cheek.She falls and lands hard on the dark orange dirt."Oh,could you interrogate her for me since your closer to her?"asks Louis."Um OK?"I reply."What do you want me to ask her?"

  "Ask her who's she working for and what's her part in her client's plan,"says Louis."I'm perfectly able at hearing you guys,"coughs out Magnolia."I'm working for Emperor Necrodetus.My job is to distract you guys,or better,kill you guys while he's pillaging the local mine of it's gold from today's work."

  "Thanks for the info,"and I use my left fist to deal her a blow to the head, knocking her out...

Next Chapter:The Midnight Duel With Necrodetus

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