Chapter 2:The Wickets Gang:Part 2:Family Matters And French Doors

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Exact Location:Narniv Novsha,Capitol City Of Kushara

On The Planet Of:Kushara

In The Galaxy Of:Voa-763

Fun Fact:The sky is not blue on Kushara.Due to Kushara having a red atmosphere,the sky on Kushara is red during Day,but a dark violet at Night.

This Story Is Told Through The Perspective Of:Khrysalis

It's a bright sunny early afternoon when we arrive at the capitol city of Kushara,Narniv Novsha.The ship finally lands and hovers a few feet above the roof of some sort of mall.All of us are gathered on deck at the place just before the bow of the ship when I say,"Maiden Electrical System,contract the ladder.""Tell me again,"says Sally as the ladder reaches to the ground."Why exactly are we here?"

"Because I want to see if my people are being ruled by a good king, not a king like my dad,"replies Louis."My people and The Knights Of The Crystal Moon are the few races in The Universe that I actually give a flying shit about."

"OK,then,off we go then,"says Tor stepping towards the ladder,now in touch with the ground.But Louis stops her."You guys must stay here,I,Khrysalis,and K'vellia will go to The Royal Palace.""Why just you three?"says Betty."I wanna come too."

"Well,"says Louis."The Emperor and the other royalties here hate my guts and want me dead for numerous charges of attempted genocide and many more charges of mass murder.So I need ya'll here to guard the ship while we're gone in case some law enforcement here try to impound it.""Ugh,fine,"groans Sally as Louis,K'vellia,and I begin to go down the ladder.Once the three of us are at the roof of the mall,I say,"Maiden Electrical System,retract the ladder."Once the ladder's done with retracting,we run at fast as we can and jump off the roof.About halfway down K'vellia summons a big pink mattress for us to land on when we get to the ground.

After chilling on the mattress for a few minutes and gazing up at the red sky,we finally heave ourselves off the mattress,and continue our trek The Royal Palace.The streets of Narniv Novsha are built like those of Victorian England."We greatly take after The British during their Victorian era,"I say to K'vellia as we walk through an old alley."I'm not dumb or blind,shithead,"replies K'vellia in a sarcastic tone.

30 Minutes Later

After 30 boring minutes of trekking through the streets,we finally arrive at The Royal Palace.The Royal Palace basically looks like The White House.Except made completely from marble and French Doors are placed wherever appropriate.Suprisingly,no gates surround The Royal Palace,just two guards on either side of a pair of French Doors leading to a first floor.I estimate there was two floors to be exact.

We begin walking to the guards and their French Doors,the guards completely oblivious to our advance."Oh guys,"I say as I withdraw the blade of my sword cane.Louis takes a kukri knife from somewhere in his clothing.K'vellia readies her pipa.When we have finished our preparations,we rush at the guards while I shout,"It's slaughter time!"

As Louis stabs the blade of his kukri knife into the face of a terrified guard,I dig my blade deep into another guard,my victim screaming all the while.I see K'vellia splashing some sort of corrosive liquid into the other two guard's faces.Their skin begin to sizzle fall right off and they fall to the ground wriggling and shrieking in pain.

With Louis kicking in the French Doors and the surviving two guards still screaming in pain,I ask K'vellia,"What the Hell was that liquid?"

"The humans called it,Fluroantimonic Acid,it's a nasty little bastard,"replies K'vellia.

20 Minutes Later

K'vellia has just finished burning and chopping of the arm of another screaming guard when we hear a muffled scream come from behind us.We turn around to see a girl.Just standing there, watching the horrific sight of a couple of space pirates chopping of the arm of a guard's corpse.The girl,utterly horrified,whirls around and begins running in the direction away from us.

"She's gonna alert The Emperor!"shouts Louis."We can't let her get away!"I scream.And together,we chase after the girl through the marble-built hallways of The Royal Palace as the song Cookie Thumper by Die Antwoord blasts through the intercoms...

Next Chapter:The Wickets Gang Give A Broadcast

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