Information Regarding:The Motherload

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  The Motherload is a planet located in Zod solar system in the galaxy of Yill.

  It is described as having a hazy gold atmosphere.It's terrain consists of vast deserts and flourishing jungle patches here and there.Small towns are scattered a few there and here.

 It is also known as Home Of The Last Humans and,to describe it more simply,is a whole planet that is set in The American Wild West.

  The Motherload is known for being The Motherload in every sense of the word!Lawlessness,guns,sugar cane, lumber,and especially,gold!One of the most lawless planets in the universes also the most profitable.

  The weapons on The Motherload are especially lethal.The handguns bear a striking resemblance to a typical Western revolver,except for the fact that they're made completely out of chrome and fire bullets of concentrated Plutonium.What's even better is that the Plutonium bullets are completely safe to touch, well,until they're fired that is...

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