Chapter 7:The Wickets Gang:Part 7:Gardens Of Metal

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This Story Is Told Through The Perspective Of:Louis

  Laughter comes from somewhere within The Sphere as we traverse single file through it's hallways.

  The Sphere's circle shaped hallways are like gardens,gardens of metal.And the pipes that run along the sides and ceiling of the circle shaped hallways are like the vines of a garden.

  More laughter erupts from somewhere in the hallways.Only,this time it clearly sounds like the laughter is erupting from two people instead of just one."Show yourselves you vile hags!"I shout.The words ring throughout the gardens of metal.

  And to our surprise,the black figures did as I said.

  Anti-Valdris blocks our path in front of us.While Anti-Cecilia,brandishing her revolver,blocks the path behind us."How lovely you could welcome us into your home,"compliments Khrysalis as Anti-Valdris flashes me a vile sneer.

  "It won't be as lovely looking as your corpse after I'm done using it for some nice target practice,"says Anti-Cecilia."How dare you bitch at your newfound guests!"retorts K'vellia in a rage,blue fog begins to form at her feet."You need a good beating and a nice lesson!"

  Of course it isn't everyday that the witch...I mean...K'vellia,is is in such a personality as she is now.So I just put it as playing along with the enemy's joke.

  Or maybe the witch was just being a witch and she was in her normal self when she said that.


  Me and Khrysalis,or Khrysalis and I,(for all you bastardly punctuation nazis out there)take a few good stabs at Anti-Valdris while K'vellia's fog circles around Anti-Cecilia's shins and the blue fog turns to fire before our eyes!

  Anti-Cecilia explodes into a black smoke,and Anti-Valdris succumbs to his wounds and he too explodes into a black smoke.And when he does,we see another black figure behind the smoke.It's Anti-Louis!

  "No need to worry friends,they'll materialize again soon enough,"he says in a menacing tone as he lifts a remote,points it at us,and presses a big lime green button, not red.Instantly,white surrounds me and my friends and pink,not black,is all we see as we black out.

  Or should I say,pink out.

  We awaken in a field of pure yellow grass to see...well,grass.And The Sphere is gone!Damn,they got away! I think to myself.

  "Well,we tried,"I say with a little bit of failure in my tone.But still a little bit of joy remains."Who's up for another adventure?!""I sure am!"replies a cheerful Khrysalis."Where to?"

  I reply with"The Motherload! . . ."

Next Chapter:Space Western:Part 1:Crash Landing

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