Chapter 8:Don't Look Left:Part 3:Dream Sequence

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This Part Of The Story Is Through The Perspective Of:Augustus's finally done.

  It's taken 20 minutes to finish it,but my homework for today is done.I look around the bedroom while I wonder what to do.

My bedroom is a simple brown for the walls,it's completely empty of furniture except for a simple bed,a desk,and the old chair of which I'm sitting on.But I see it as all I need.

  I walk across the worn yellow carpet to the white door that leads to a small closet.I open it to find nothing but a pile of old books,a vial of orange nail polish,and my uniform hung up on the rod,very neatly if I do say so myself.

  I walk forth from my room into a simple and plain living room.The cicadas are chirping the night critters are beginning to make their first chirps as I do.A simple sofa,composed of some cheap wood and a very worn but cheap purple cloth of some sort,maintains it's existence in the middle of the room.In front of it,a very old oval table made of oak.

  To my right is the sofa and table.But to the left is the front door.And to the right of the front door is a painting of Ranavalona I,a former Queen Of Madagascar.Her dress was beautiful, flowing with a beautiful shade of red.

  I wish I could have her dress.I love it!I LOVE IT!

  "Cecilia,are you here?"I call.

  "In the kitchen,"she calls back.I enter the tiny kitchen.She's to my right, sitting at the wooden dining table,reading a book.It's a hardcover of course.

  "Sister,why do you hate paperbacks?"I ask.

  "Paperback covers bend so easily,that pisses me off."

  "Well,I agree with that statement.I think I'll go lay down for a bit."

  When I do lay down,I descend into the abyss of Sleep,and when I do awake,it is within a dream.

  I'm standing upon a raft made of sticks and wood,bound with rope.The sunset and the sounds of the ocean surround me as the raft washes upon the outer parts of an island.I step onto the blue sand and walk into the greens of a jungle.

  Moonlight shines down upon me as I traverse the jungle.Then,in the distance,I hear the crackling of flames.I step out of the jungle,and into a field of tall grass.The flickering flames are visible now I approach closer.And closer.And closer.The burning objects grow a bit larger the closer I get.

  A wave of horror in it's purest form overloads my body as I stand in front of the flames and peer up.

  I'm not terrified beyond comprehension due to the burning reverse cross.

  I'm not traumatized by the flaming Bibles that are piled around the reverse cross.

  I'm scarred by what is impaled on the reverse cross.

  I'm so scared that it takes me a few minutes to even register what it is I'm afraid.And when I do,I'm so horrified that I can even scream.

  It's my decapitated head that's impaled through the top of the flaming reverse cross.It's eyes have been removed.It's cheeks were ripped away,giving full view to what little teeth I have in my mouth.The top of my head is removed as well,giving a view of my rotting brain.

  Over the noise of the crackling flames,I hear the ripping of flesh.I slowly tweak my head around to investigate what made that noise.

  It had the body of a human,but it's head was a ram.It wasn't sad at all,but tears of blood ran down it's face.The elaborate horns of a gazelle were on top of it's head.It wore rags and tatters for clothing.

  It's feasting on my decapitated carcass of a body until it realizes my presence.It looks at me and fixes it horribly bloodshot eyes upon me.And then,it shrieks a demonic roar and lunges at me.

  I finally scream as I dash off into the grass.It chases after me...

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