Chapter 6:The Wickets Gang:Part 6:Shotguns,Spacecruisers,And A Few Cups Of Tea

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This Story Is Told Through The Perspective Of:Princess Despain

  "So,where exactly are we headed guys?"ask I curiously.Emojiologist,jazz687,and I are all bunched together in a big blue bubble that's whizzing through space and the stars of all shapes,colors,and sizes.Besides the three of us,a box of water and food,nothing else is in here.Little trails of bubbles are being produced from outside the bubble and float off to join the stars.

  "I...I honestly don't really know my lady,all I know is that I'm steering this bubble with my mind,"replies Emojiologist as happy as ever."Somewhere,somewhere far from her I would say,"pipes up jazz687 as she stoops over to pick out a water bottle.As she finishes sipping,I turn my head to the right to see a cannonball whiz by the bubble,after losing it momentum, it explodes a few yards away from us.

  We turn our heads to see a giant green disc following close behind.It's a Kusharan spacecruiser.And...

This Story Is Now Told Through The Perspective Of:Music_Gal16

  "...they're going to get away if we don't blow then to bits right this instant!"declare I."So blast them jfairbanks!Blast them to bits this instant!"We're in the command and control room.Nothing to special about it, just the usual futuristic and button and lever filled control you would see in any other spacecruiser.

  "Already on it,"obeys Randomness4.jfairbanks proceeds to press a very much overused stereotypical big ass red button.Which in turn releases a barrage of missiles,bombs,and various car keys at the bubble.Of course, due to a sort of miracle,the bubble somehow managed to dodge the barrage of missiles,bombs,and various car keys.

  "Is that all the projectiles we got?!"question I in a scream."Yes,actually,that is all the projectiles we have,"returns Randomness4."So,um,anyway..."

This Story Is Now Told Through The Perspective Of:Cecilia

Definition Of Fo'c'sle:a raised deck at the front of a ship.

Definition Of Ratline:the rope ladders that go to the tops of the masts.

   " exactly are we going to get these guys to buzz off?"I inquire.We're all at the fo'c'sle staring down at a very staggering amount of Kusharan city guards climbing up the side of the mall towards the roof,which is where we are if it wasn't already obvious enough.

  "Not my type of day to fight,"says Tor as the city guards climb onto the roof."But if the fight's a good one,then count me in!"

  The Kusharan City Guards have reached the roof by now and have now started to cross over to The Maiden to climb it.We ready our weapons."Geez,ain't this going to be fun,"mumbles Octavian,and he readies a double-barreled shotgun.

  Finally,the guards reach the deck and the slaughter begins.

  Octavian fills a few guards full of lead while I,Sally,Tor,Valdris,and Betty run forward,weapons fully bared and shining in the lowering evening sun.Betty cleaves off half of a guard's face with a single,almost perfect cut.Valdris takes off a few legs and torsos while Sally and I climb the ratlines and begin firing at the enemies below.

  After the fight,we throw the bodies over board,and go below deck to rest.After awhile,we get hungry,so we order some tortilla chips and a few cups of tea from room Room 282...

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