Chapter 13:The Bloodstone:Part 2:The Monotone Within A Hudson Hornet

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This Party Is Told Through The Perspective Of:Sally

  It's been about a two mile walk from The Maiden so far.As we trek along a long dirt path situated in the middle of a dense jungle,I spot something a feet deep into the trees.The outline of some sort of yellow-colored machine.

  "Louis!There's something off in the distance!"I shout.Louis looks off into the distance where the yellow thing is,using binoculars.

  "These lenses on this this thing are all either blurry or cracked,"says Louis as he tosses his binoculars."I'm gonna go take a closer look,you all stay right here."

  A minute later,a car engine roars to life,and the yellow-colored machinery begins to move quickly towards us.

  "He found a f*cking car,"curses Tor.

  Louis swerves onto the dirt path,kicking up clouds of dust behind me."I found a car guys!"shouts Louis."A Hudson Hornet to be exact."

  "How lovely,"says Valdris."I'm surprised it wasn't damaged or worn away."

  Louis rolls his eyes slowly,and then rolls them incredibly quickly for a few seconds.Then he exclaims,"It's Shitney bitch,now get in losers,we're going for a drive..."

This Part Of The Story Is Told Through The Perspective Of:Tor

  The yellow Hudson Hornet roars along the road to the pyramid that holds the bloodstone.With Louis as the driver,and Valdris in the passenger seat.Sally sits behind Valdris,and I'm seated behind Louis.

  "Uh,Louis?"asks Valdris.


  "I'm a bit uncomfortable."

  "All because of the fact your so tall the top of your head touches the ceiling of the car?Just deal with it."

  "Louis?"I ask.

 "Deal with it."

  "No,I'm not uncomfortable.But there is a huge bump in the middle of the road ahead of us."

  Louis's eyes are as wide as they can widen.The words "HOLY SHIT!" is all he can say before the car hits the bump,and soars into the air.

  Moments later,the car crashes down onto the road,and continues roaring along the dirt path.Louis clears his throat while continuing to drive,and says, "Well,was that a blast or what?"

  "A blast?!A BLAST?!You could've killed us!"shouts Sally.

  "Weeellll...don't blame me!Blame it on that bump in the road!"

  After a few minutes of driving in abrupt silence,Louis turns on the radio as a soft rain begins.The song that plays happened to be the monotone singing of,After Hours by The Velvet Underground.

  "This is a good jam,"I say.

  Louis then uses only his right hand to drive,with his left hand,he rolls down all the windows.Then,still using his left hand,he pulls out his Zulu-style pipe,and fills the bulb of the pipe with marijuana.

  "Louis,"asks Sally."What's the worst thing you've ever done?"

  "I might remember,if you got anything to light my pipe."

  Sally sits back down in her seat after moving forward to ignite Louis's pipe with a small match.

  "Hmm,the worst thing I've ever done.I've got a lot of those.How about you go on and tell me your worst thing first?"

  "I was driving home drunk through  some suburb in Paris,and...I hit a little boy and his mother."

  Louis glances at Sally,using the rear view mirror,before continuing to smoke his Zulu pipe and drive along the long dirt path.

  "Go on Sally,"coaxes Louis.

  "I was shit-faced wasted,but by no means did I mean to do it.I really didn't mean it.I got out of my car and rushed to the boy and his mom.The mom was unconscious,and bleeding badly.I soon realized she was pregnant.As I knelt beside the dying little boy,he said the words, "It's my birthday Ma'am,it's my birthday.He died a slow death in that street.The Mother survived,but lost the baby inside her,and the use of her left hand.She was killed in a robbery eight months later,and her husband quickly left France shortly after that."

  A tear rolls down Sally's cheek,the song "Roxanne" by The Police starts playing as Sally finishes her story.

  Louis,still driving the car with his right hand,uses his left hand to pull the pipe out of his mouth.He exhales,and the smell of of weed,along the long ribbons of smoke,slowly drift out of the driver side window.

  "That was some real sad stuff,"says Louis.

  "OK,your turn Louis,"sniffs Sally as she dries her cheeks."Tell me the worst thing you've ever done."

  "I needed money really badly this one time in my Kusharan second grade.I mean really really badly,so I shot a few people for it.They were really innocent."

  Louis removes the pipe again,exhales more ribbons of smoke,puts the pipe in his mouth once more,and continues smoking and driving.The long ribbons of smoke trail their way out off the driver side window once again.


  It's a half-hour more of driving before something appears in the distance,besides the two sides of dense jungle and the dirt path.

  It's a pyramid...

Next Chapter:The Bloodstone:Part 3

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