Chapter 3:Space Western:Part 3:Magnolia

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This Part Of The Story Is Told Through The Perspective Of:Tanya The Female Recurring Narrator

It's dusk as the rays of The Motherload's pink colored sun finally stop exerting it's heat on a mesa not far from the town of Bougainvillea.It was at this time at dusk when a red and white zepplin,lands on the reddened soil and rock of the mesa.

A door leading to the outside of the gondola,is opened by someone from the inside by someone.When it finally does open,a male figure dressed in a white,hoodless cloak made only from the best of bulletproof silk steps forward from the gondola.His black hair is gently blown around by the breezes of the dusk.The lowering sun casts it's final rays of light on the male figure's grim pale face.The figure has a name...Emperor Necrodetus Yillvanesh III Of Okress!

Necrodetus steps to the edge of the mesa and gazes towards the town of Bougainvillea."Stop creeping,"he says."I know you're there."

"Christ,you really don't know what a good entrance is,do you?"says a soft feminine voice from behind him.The crunch of dirt and rocks can be heard behind Necrodetus as the person approaches him until it comes to his right.

Now if there was anything to describe this woman in some words,it would be that she sure loves red and her red cigarillos!She's dressed in a red column style dress that reaches all the way down to her ankles,exposing the very fashionable and very red sandals.Her skin is a light tan,but has red hues here and there.A red bowler hat is perched very firmly upright on her head.Her black hair,the only thing that isn't red besides her lime green eyes,is done into a flapper's bob and bobbed at the ear,completely smooth and free of any and all curls.But what Necrodetus noticed most is the longbow made of cedar wood hanging on her right shoulder,and a belt which,on the left side of that belt,holds a quiver full of arrows made from the wood of magnolias.

The woman also has a name as well...Myrtle Sinclair,but better known as her alias,Magnolia.

"So why did you pay me to come wait on this rock?"asks Magnolia."Well this rock is a mesa to be exact,"answers Necrodetus."And this mesa functions as a gold mine for the miners here in Bougainvillea as the gold is their main export.In fact,this mine is the most precious and most fruitful mine on The Motherload!But what if I stole all of the gold from The Mesa Mine?The Motherload would be forgotten by the rest of the galaxy due to it's worthlessness.Then,it's people would suffer as the planet would in a symbolic way,be dead.And boy,do I love me some suffering!"

"And what is my role in this plan?"ask Magnolia."There are some people on their way to this town,The Knights Of The Crystal Moon,I need them to be kept busy.""Very well then,"confirms Magnolia."I'll get to town at once..."

This Part Of The Story Is Told Through The Perspective Of:Khrysalis

Current Location:The Honeysuckle Cantina

I'm floating in black until my eyes open.When they do,I'm instantly falling in love with the scenery.A casual 2000's song,Sweet Dreams by Eurythmics,is churning out through a Wurlitzer 1015 jukebox across the room.

In the center of the room,there's a square shaped bar with plenty of stools.Along the walls are pictures and diner style booths.To the left of the oak door that leads outside,is the Wurlitzer 1015.And we happen happen to be sitting in a corner booth.

Cecilia is casually sipping a cup of oolong tea,Sally is in between me and Cecilia munching away on a meatball sub.K'vellia practices her pipa while the other five surround us,deeply engaged in drinking their Daiquiris and a game of poker.

"I smacked you so hard and dazed you so badly that you passed out,"informs Cecilia before I could even conceive of asking her what happened."Where are the kids and how did we get here?"I ask.

"K'vellia was able to teleport us and The Triplet Traitors here.ThreeWayStreet is searching the buildings outside for us,but hasn't gotten to The Cantina yet.The Traitors are in the booth to our right chatting about plans for escape."I checked,sure enough they were.

Louis shouts with joy,happily winning the game."Overachiever,"remarks K'vellia.I sigh with a strange feeing of relief."What a day..."

Next Chapter:The Duel At Dusk

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