Chapter 3:The Wickets Gang:Part 3:The Wickets Gang Give A Broadcast

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Fun Fact:All moons in the universe look exactly like Earth's moon,weird isn't it?

Fun Fact:Practically everyone is right handed,except Music_Gal16,she's a lefty.

OK,to the story!

Exact Location:Throne Room Of The Royal Palace,The Royal Palace,Narniv Novsha,Capitol City Of Kushara

On The Planet Of:Kushara

In The Galaxy Of:Voa-763

This Story Is Told Through The Perspective Of: jfairbanks

  "Emojiologist,could you simmer down with that music already?!"scream I.Emojiologist is blasting the song Cookie Thumper by Die Antwoord from a boombox located at his feet."No!"he shouts back as reply."Deal with it!"

  "Aww,come on Emojiologist,can you please turn the boombox off?"asks Princess Despain.She stares at Emojiologist with the most irresistible puppy eyes.So irresistible,even I was compelled to do something for Princess Despain.And I wasn't even the one being stared at!

"Ugh,okay,fine,"says Emojiologist as he turns off the boombox.

  Suddenly,Music_Gal16,along with three other people,literally crash through the door!The three people,taken off balance by literally crashing through the door,proceed to land right on top of Music_Gal16.As Music_Gal16,who survived unscathed,crawls out from under them and runs to me,the three of them also come back onto their feet.Then,a man, whom I'm assuming to be the ringleader,lights up a cigar,takes a drag, and lets the smoke escape from his mouth.Then,he says,"Hello lovely children."

  Louis smiles a devilish smile at The Royal Advisors.They reel back in fear."Khrysalis,tie them up,"says K'vellia as she summons a bundle of rope into the hands of Khrysalis.Khrysalis advances towards me and Emojiologist,but Emojiologist holds up his hand."Princess Despain is with me,but those others aren't,"says Emojiologist as he points to Voz and The Royal Advisors."You two are traitors!This is betrayal!"screams Emperor Voz.

  Your wondering why I would rather take my butler's side rather than the side of my father.Well,if I side with Emojiologist,I have a way better chance of surviving the encounter with these space pirates.If I side with my dad,I would probably die within a few minutes.Besides,if I went back to the side of my father's,I would probably be arrested and killed for betrayal,martyring,and inciting rebellion.Geez,all I wanted to do today was accompany my friends on another day of shoe shopping at the mall!

  After Khrysalis finishes tying up The Royal Advisors and Emperor Voz,a window near the ceiling of The Throne Room shatters.We all look up to see a floating black sphere slowly descending down to us, until it's hovering a few feet away from us and a few feet above the floor.A compartment slid open at the top of the sphere,no it wasn't a gun,rather a sort of movie projector.

  The projector then activated and shown a hologram.No,not like those holograms from Star Wars that only show many shades of blue.The sphere's hologram was shown in color.The hologram showed nine figures.

  The nine figures look exactly like The Knights Of The Crystal Moon,except so much more...GHASTLY and HORRIFYING.They were black,completely pure,opaque,black.Skin,clothes,and all.Their faces were so twisted and nightmarish.So twisted and nightmarish they barely even looked like their counterparts,The Knights Of The Crystal Moon.The figures appeared to be standing in what looked like a very high tech spaceship.Probably a spaceship of their very own.

  "Greetings to you all,"said the Louis counterpart."I am Anti-Louis,and these are my friends.Anti-Cecilia,Anti-Tor,Anti-K'vellia,and so on."

  "Well,what the Hell do you want?"asks Louis as he takes another drag of his cigar."Well,we would like your leader to surrender his rule as emperor to us.We love taking over and profiting off trade routes.This planet,Kushara,is a major trade hub in cigars,strawberries,rhubarb,pies, and umm...cocaine."

"Well,you can't have it!"I shout."We won't let you!"

  "Well then,"replies Anti-Louis.He looks at me with a sadistic smile."Have it your way.But I think I'll give you...hmm...two hours...yes,two hours to rethink your decisions.See you guys in two hours!"

  The projection stops,the compartment closes,and The Sphere falls to the ground with a metallic thud...

Next Chapter:The Giant Sphere

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