Chapter 5:Space Western:Part 5:The Midnight Duel With Necrodetus

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This Part Of The Story Is Told Through The Perspective Of:Valdris

Fun Fact:Teflon is invulnerable to the corrosive effects of fluoroantimonic acid.

  Due to Khrysalis's utter stupidity,it's taken us close to five hours to make the trek from Bougainvillea to the top of the mesa when it should've taken just two.And at the top of the mesa,along with our observations of the purple moon casting it's violet beams of moonlight upon the red dirt of the mesa,we see Necrodetus's plan in action.

  I counted fifteen Kalecdite guards keeping watch around Necrodetus as he  focused an unbreaking stare at a group of Kalecdite servants loading a cart full of gold into a abnormally large zeppelin.

  Christ,after all this time and we still don't got gas!

  "So,can we go get gas now?"asks Tor."Can't we just take out these douches first?"begs Louis."Alright,"says K'vellia curtly,while also answering for Louis."But it's me that's going for Necrodetus.I want out of The Knights Of The Crystal Moon as soon as possible,and I won't have you guys mess it up."

  We charge towards the enemy.The servants loading the gold flee into the Zeppelin,leaving the gold to spill over onto the ground.Tor removes the front half of a guard's head with her blades and K'vellia splashes a teflon bottle of fluoroantimonic acid into another guard's chest along her way to Necrodetus.

  A knobbed tetsubo of pure steel appears in Necrodetus's right hand.He deals a smash at K'vellia.She blocks it as Louis slits a guard's throat and makes a crazed dash over to K'vellia and Necrodetus.

This Part Of The Story Is Told Through The Perspective Of:Khrysalis

  I slice open the stomachs of two guards,and quickly dart behind a large boulder as their innards spill onto the red dirt,turning the dirt even more red than it already was.

  Hey!Would you like to hear a joke while I contemplate whether or not to run across the mesa to snatch up the two gasoline cans next to Necrodetus's zeppelin?

  OK,here it goes:My friend was cold,so I told her to go stand in a corner.Corners are 90 degrees!

  Hey!Now that I think about,maybe I will run across the mesa to fetch up those gasoline cans next to Necrodetus's zeppelin.

  And so begins my mad dash to the gasoline cans next to Necrodetus's zepplin.

  I duck under the bullets that have been released in a firefight between the guns of Louis,Cecilia,Sally,and some of Necrodetus's guards.I dart around the weapons of Tor and Valdris as they clash with the blades of...guess what?More Kalecdite guards!

  I can see moonlight shining down upon the Zeppelin as I approach it.The wind blows a soft breeze as I reach the cans and snatch them up.I turn around to run back to the boulder when someone hidden in the shadow of the Zeppelin steps out into the moonlight.In the moonlight,I can see that she's dressed in red.She has a longbow,the bowstring has drawn back with an arrow loaded and aimed at me.

  "You thought a little whore with a sword could stop me?"asks Magnolia."Shit,"I whisper.It's at this point that I hear the moaning of metal,I'm sure Magnolia hears it too.The metallic moaning grows louder as the giant shadow of a ship appears upon the dirt of the mesa.

  We turn our heads to the right to see none other than The Maiden floating a mere inch away from the side of the mesa!It's right this moment that Octavian leaps from the deck of the ship and lands safely behind Magnolia.He then shatters a porcelain vase over her head,effectively knocking her out.

  "Hey there,"chirps Ocatavian."Um...hello..."I reply.

This Part Of The Story Is Told Through The Perspective Of:Tor

  As the others finish off the last of the guards I sheath my blades and walk over to K'vellia.She's just standing there,looking at The Zeppelin as the moonlight continues to shine upon it.I stand beside her and stare at the Zeppelin.

  "He got me on my shoulder with his tetsubo,"she whispers."He got away with a handheld teleportation device after grabbing a few gold nuggets.So,that means I'm still stuck with you guys."

  "Hey!Can you guys stop with the sulking and get over here?!"inquires Octavian as he and the others walk over and begin boarding The Maiden."Louis says he wants to take a little trip to this place called Zealia,"informs Betty.

  And with that,K'vellia and I board The Maiden and head off to wherever Zealia is...well...after we stole the rest of the gold!

  Well,I never said The Knights Of The Crystal Moon were the absolute best at being any sort of hero...

Next Chapter:Don't Look Left:Part 1:31 Tulip Street

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