whatever helps you sleep at night

Start from the beginning

Shadow reminded Gwaine so much of Merlin. Feeling a pang of guilt every time he saw Shadow because Gwaine felt it was his fault Merlin left. Somehow Shadow always knew how to make him smile. He knew how to make everyone smile.

Occasionally, the knights would take him on hunts. Most could tell that shadow hated them, but in Arthur's absence Shadow would make large messes around the castle.

Shadow was always treated quite nicely by the castle's staff. Leftovers were first given to him, and when he was finished eating the rest went to the hunting dogs.

There were rumours that shadow could smell a traitor a mile away. For anytime he attacked someone, it was either because they were trying to hurt Arthur, or he'd attack someone in the castle staff, sometimes counsel members that later turned out to be  traitors.

People started recognizing Shadow's cues, and would listen to them. If Shadow attacked someone, they would watch them. If the cat continuously meowed at someone, other people would become either suspicious of them or it meant they were in danger. If Shadow meowed and ran ahead, he wanted you to follow. When shadow did these things, people would immediately listen, and heed his warnings.

Nobody except Gaius, and Arthur knew where Shadow slept. He slept in Merlin's old room on top of Merlin's neckerchief. Arthur was curious where he slept one day and followed him back.

Gaius seemed strangely closer and more affectionate for the cat then almost everyone. (Arthur being the exception) When Merlin had left, Gaius had become sadder, everyone could tell he missed Merlin, and over a week it seemed he had aged ten years. Then one day he looked half his age, and seemed busy researching some cat books. Arthur assumed he had adopted Shadow, and having a friend to take care of helped him out of his short lived depression.

Anytime Arthur insulted the cat, it would hiss and on rare occasions, he would scratch Arthur for not listening to his cues. For the first few months Shadow had always brought Merlin's old possessions to people he used to know, but it slowly stopped as the objects were always quickly brought away. No one wanted to see Merlin's stuff. They wanted to see Merlin.

A few things had changed while Merlin was gone. Arthur always said them as he wrote them down. Someone would have to notify Merlin when he returned.
-Magic was now allowed in the kingdom.
Arthur had many times been saved by magic, he'd realized Merlin was right. Magic is a tool, good people use it for good deeds, while evil people used it for bad. It was simple. Shadow had affectionately rubbed his head against Arthur's leg when he muttered the words he wrote.
-All magical people are welcome in Camelot.
It only seemed fair that if he was going to allow magic, he may as well allow everyone with it into the kingdom. If it somehow went wrong, then he could always ban it again.
-Peasant's words were no longer less valuable then a noble's
This had helped many trials to become more fair.

There were many more, but these were some of the big ones. Shadow had been there every time he wrote something down in the seperate book.

However annoying the cat was was to Arthur, he still enjoyed his presence. Shadow made him feel as If his friend Merlin was there. Why didn't he ever tell Merlin how much he valued their friendship? Was something Arthur thought often. Sometimes people thought Arthur was going crazy when they heard him talking to himself, to later realize that he had been telling Shadow his problems, or how much he missed Merlin. Everyone in the castle told shadow their problems, for it made them feel better, and it was the only thing that made shadow cuddle with them willingly. Although Shadow always made an exception for the young ladies who wanted a cuddle.

On one trip that the knights planned to go on, there was supposedly a magic revealing spell on the gate. Any things changed by magic would be changed back to its original state. When shadow had heard of this, he ran straight to Percival. Carrying Shadow had slowly become Percival's job, because he loved cats more then the rest did.

Horse riding with shadow was easy. Shadow would usually Lay on the knights shoulders. When Percival's shoulders were too sore from fighting, shadow would sit on the horse's hind end as close to the saddle as possible.

Now, they were nearly at the gate. Somehow Shadow seemed excited. His ears were up, and his tail up. The men had been wondering what could possibly be revealed. Arthur was hoping his donkey ears didn't come back. When they got to the gate, Shadow jumped off of Percival's shoulders and started meowing for them to open it. They looked at each other, was there an enchantment placed on the Shadow?

Gwaine had opened the heavy gate painfully slowly due to the weight. When it was opened shadow hesitated to go through it. If there was an enchantment on Shadow he didn't seem to mind, but you could see him think through it and soon he ran through.

A bright flash of light came, and suddenly Merlin was in the place that Shadow had been.

"Mer-Merlin?" Arthur asked.

"Yes Dallop head?"

"Its been you all this time?" Leon wondered.

"Yes it has been. Morgana turned me into a cat, and Gaius was the only one that realized! I brought you my Neckerchief, random items that I thought would remind you guys, but no. Because Merlin would totally leave, and not send you guys any letters! How were you not the least bit suspicious?"

"I'm sorry Merlin." Arthur whispered.

"Only Gaius figured it out! He wouldn't tell because he thought nobody would believe him!"

Merlin blabbered on for a while untill Leon interrupted. "Merlin."

"Yes Leon?"

"You're naked."

Two days later Merlin was fully clothed, and working again. Arthur had explained what had happened to the knights, and Gaius had been ecstatic, and everything very quickly went back to normal.

"You know one thing I still can't get over about the whole Cat ordeal?" Merlin asked Arthur.


I managed to train everyone in the castle to listen to my cues. Most of the people listened really well. Basically, as a cat, I was training humans." Merlin told Arthur with an amused smile.

Arthur looked awestruck for a moment. "Well I didn't listen, and you most certainly did not train me Merlin."

"Whatever helps you sleep at night Arthur."

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