"What time does the car get hear.."I say not making eye contact with any of them.

"Should be here about now,we are just heading out the other back way to get there.."Justin replies reaching for my hand.

I step back before replying.

"Oh"I walk away and wait at the door for the others.Sure enough they make there way and I follow them into the car.

The whole car ride was silent as I stared out the window at all the stars.

Wow,Australia is beautiful.

We finally make our way back to the room.

There is no way I am sleeping with Justin.

I sigh and walk into the bathroom and get changed into my pyjamas.

I grab an extra pillow and blanket and make myself a bed like space on the couch.I lye down and make myself comfortable before turning on the tv.Justin walks out in only his boxers.

"You coming to bed babe?"he says lowly,almost whispering.

I ignore him and change the channel,settling on Judge Judy.

He sighs and sits at the end of the couch.

"Look,I know you think I kissed her and all,but she kissed me and-"

"-I'm not mad at that.."I shake my head,realising something myself.

"Then..what?"Justin says confused.

I shake my head and shrug.

"Nothing..go to bed..."I shake it off.

"No,not until you tell me why you are mad.."he shakes his head.

"Well,get comfortable..Because I'm not speaking anymore.."I shrug and turn my focus on the tv.

"Hailey,you have to.You're my girlfriend,I did not kiss her..I pulled away straight away,you think i enjoyed it or something?Because i didnt.You're my girlfriend,Hailey.I like you.Do you really not believe me?"he pleads,trying to calm himself.

I guess he has a point..I mean,he didnt kiss her back,and he did pull away straight away.

I sigh and shake my head.

"im sorry,i guess i just want to be the only girl you...you know,like."i admit.

"its fine babe,thats how i know you like me back"he smiles,pulling me into a hug on his lap.

"Good,cuz i do"i smile and peck his lips.

"i could see Chaz has his hopes up.."Justin laughs,shaking his head.

"i know,he was smirking.I told him if he smirks i'll kill him,it was pretty funny actually cuz he looked scared as fuck!"i laugh and he joins in lightly.

"I would never,ever let Chaz have you."he shakes his head,causing me to smile.

I feel my eyes getting a little heavy and a long yawn escapes my mouth.

"tired?"he chuckles.

I nod my head,closing my eyes and resting my head on his shoulder.

"bed time,sleeping beauty"he whispers before picking me up bridal and carrying me to bed.I was pretty much half asleep by the time we even got into bed,so i just let him place me in the bed before finally falling asleep


"Justin,you've got a meet and greet soon,get ready"dad storms into the kitchen as we all eat our non burnt pancakes,made by yours truly,me.

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