4.7: His baby sister

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April's pov:
Good morning Faith! Get up sleepy head it's time to go to school!" I shook happily. "Ugh, look who's the early bird" groaned Faith.

"Sorry. I'm just happy today! Come on wake up and get ready for school!" I chirped and left her room. I got my bag and went downstairs to cook us both breakfast.

When we both ate our breakfast, I shoved in my earphones in my ear and clicked on a song in my ipod. "Come on faith! We're gonna be late" I pulled her to the door.

"It's 7 for god sake! Our school starts at 8!" Exclaimed Faith. I just giggled and we both walked our way to school.

"Tell me. What has gotten you to come early today?" Wondered Faith. "Did you just have a presentation you're dying to present? Or did you just finish writing your song for Mrs Browns?" Guessed Faith. I shook my head and smiled happily.

"Then what is it?" Asked Faith.

"Tell me!"

"Okay okay!" I chuckled.

"Nothing special. I just wanna meet with my new friend "
"New friend? Who? I never heard of a new student lately" she said in thoughts.

"Oh he's not a new student. We just became friends yesterday" I smirked, knowing that she'll realize who I'm talking about.
"He? Your new friends a guy?" She asked.

I slapped my face in defeat and answered, "yes Faith! It's a he and he's currently my one and only crush!" I exclaimed.
"Ohh! Right! Zack. I forgot about that guy" she laughed.

"Well, I won't stop you from stealing him away from Rebecca" she says crossing her arms over her chest.

"Rebecca? Who's Rebecca?" I asked suspiciously.

"Rebecca – partner in crime of the school's queen bee" she told me.

"Britney? The one who flirted with Izaak which made Selena go nuts on her?" I recapped the memory. It was a nasty scene to remember. The way Selena pulled her hair and tripped her with her leg, making her tumble to the ground.

"Yeah that one. And the one who flirted with Ivan. When it was Mrs Brown's brithday" added Faith. "Oh yeah that time. I remember"

"anyways, Rebecca has been onto him since the start of the new semester. So you better keep a close eye on her" warned Faith.

"Oh don't you worry. She won't get carried away while I'm around" I chuckled evilly, cracking my knuckles.


As we went to our lockers, we saw Rebecca clinging her arms around Zacks arm. "Looks like she already did" chuckled Faith. I groaned and made my way to them.

I could see that Zack was annoyed in her so I butted in, "Morning Zack!" I greeted them. As soon as I said that, Zack's face lightened up and smiled widely.

"Morning April!" Exclaimed Zack. "I forgot to text you that I left my headphones at your place yesterday" I said, making up a story for Rebecca to leave him.

At first he scrunched his eyebrows together but then realized what I was doing and went on with the act. "Oh right I noticed them on my bed. Here" he says. He opened his bag and took out a silver coated headphone and gave it to me.

"Thanks" I said, But before he could say anything, Rebecca interrupted him, "piss off girl. Zack doesn't have time for a b*tch like you" said Rebecca  rudely. "wait, isn't that yours, Zack?" She asked him and smirked at me.

I just looked at Zack and he answered for me, "No. It's hers. It was a limited edition and she wanted it so badly. So I gave it to her" he says, then looked at me and continued, "I would do anything for my girlfriend" he winked.

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