Chapter 25-Part X

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Chatter began filtering into the control room, voices of men and women shouting just outside. Robots finished off the few remaining Baird aliens, and it seemed the battle would be won, at least here in the alien ship. High in the roof, Lindy sat in the control cab with Boondock at her side, administering the final dose of his genetic programming that would make these bots perfect fighting machines who worked for them.

Down on the space ledge, Kato and Rayleen finally reached the bridge of Harkentofor's ship. The nasty bird pecked at the back of Ketty's head and neck, trying to find a weak spot, but she held her sword there, covering the soft skin and vital organs. He knew they were coming for him. At last, though it had only been minutes, they opened fire on the young bird who flew up through the roof. Ketty was stuck to his spurs for the first few feet, then she plummeted to the floor when bone released bone. The crew of XARC fanned out to give pursuit, with one woman in charge.

"Get Miss Ketty some help. Spread out and secure the ship." Sweat glistened from her face when she stood next to Kato. She smelled awful, but he wouldn't deny the help. "Don't worry, Sir, we'll ferret out any stragglers." She held a big gun that weighed heavily on her shoulder. He could put his head inside the stubby barrel and there were pretty colors in the end. "Don't look in the light sir," she pointed it to the floor. "It's a singularity slug. Creates a tiny black hole next to its intended target. There is no defense. Thought I might try it on that nasty bird, seein' how he scarred up Ketty's back and all."

Rayleen bent over Ketty. "I'll be alright, as long as he didn't give me some infection," she said. The pain on her face told them it was worse than she let on, but at least she was alive. "Quit standing there and get him!"

"Come on, Sir," the woman said to Kato, "Let's go hunting." She handed him the gun. "Thought you might need some revenge, just keep your finger off the trigger, there's no safety."

Harkentofor circled around and dropped to the decks below where Cronchentam manned the gun turret.

"Put the shields up and destroy that ship." He gave him a nod and Cronchentam pulled the trigger, only Braunotee had plugged the barrel with reflective material. It was more of a ricochet than a backfire since the slug of furious energy traveled back into the bloated weapons sack and blew the Baird gunner to smithereens. The entire weapon sack of his ship imploded and Cronchentam was vaporized before Harkentofor's eyes. If he was able to feel emotions, he might have been sad.

"Brinnelydo," he called to the only crew he seemed to have left. "Activate the robot army and bring my egg. We will fight another day."

There was no mistaking her sex or her purpose. Her seven foot stature made her a perfect fighting machine, more formidable than others of her kind. She was a pretty female Baird who readily complied, thankful her master had finally noticed she existed. It was hard to hide her feelings, if that's what they actually were. She was fifth generation, one of Harkentofor's own creations, and there was so much she hadn't told him. Like these strange feelings of emotion. Or how she felt about him, and the fact she was happy his whole army was dead, since that left her to be with him. They had mated, she was the mother of his solitary egg, but it had been all business with him. Still, she would have to tell him how she was evolving, even if he killed her, and she was sure he would.

With a nod of her thoughts, she used her necklace to activate the upper robot floor. Harazel had done all the leg work and ensured the robots would be under Baird control. Pity he wasn't alive to take the credit. Now the hidden defensive systems and booby traps set by Mon-catasto took effect and Lindy was the recipient of their wrath.

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