Chapter 3-Part I

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Jon-mark Mc'kee hadn't realized what a blessing his sister Ketty would be until the day she began herding robots. He remembered that day with vivid clarity because it was a turning point in his life. She had been eight years old when she hopped on her miniature air scooter and flew out to the beach with a small batch of starter bots in hot pursuit.

He had been sixteen and he could finally pursue his own dream. He longed to live in the city. The constant rush of activity plucked at his heart strings as life on the farm never would. The song of the city was stuck in his head and there was only one way to get it out.

His dream had been realized and he had lived away from home while attending college. Jon-mark had recently graduated as a master engineer in robot psychology. The city cut through Jon-mark's heart like a long-lost lover, embracing him with a sense of security that was unshakable. He knew he didn't want life any other way, so when the notice had come, two weeks ago, of an immediate draft, he was in shock. His whole world came tumbling down and the city turned on its head. It was no longer his comfort, but a harsh reminder his dream was over.

The day he left, he had sat with his dad at the kitchen table. He could see the emotions on his dad's face.

"What can you tell me about the mission?" asked his dad. "Hell, we're not even at war with anyone, why do they need you?" They had been over all this. His dad had contacted the government, filed a protest. It was all top secret and each citizen had an obligation to obey the law.

"All I know, and this is off the record is they are deploying something called a 'Quantum Boat.' It's an interstellar light dynamic cruiser, which is sunk into another dimension of space-time and can never come up to the fourth dimensional reality we live in. I think it's a space submarine. All the recruiter told me is, 'It's a ghost within a ghost.'"

"We don't have technology like that."

"Dad, I'm going as an engineering analyst to monitor robot behavior under the constraints of time travel."

"What? Time travel? Nonsense. Someone is pulling your leg."

"I've already told you too much, promise you won't tell mom. Promise."

"I promise, she would freak anyway."

"Don't worry, dad. We won't be in harm's way, no one can see us and I have to admit, I'm a little excited. The recruiter said it takes a special kind of soldier to man the Quantum Boat. Not just a steel reserve, but a social stamina as well. The tight confines can drive a person crazy and good soldiers keep the mission foremost in their minds. I have that dad. I'll be fine."

He had hugged his family goodbye, whispered in Ketty's ear and left. That was a week ago. Somehow, life continued.

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