Chapter 7-Part IV

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They crested the last ridge overlooking the massive flood plain surrounding the city and were accosted by a sight worse than death. The city was under duress, bowed low under the burden of orange columns of light penetrating straight down from space. Even at fifty miles it was obvious they were doomed. A massive cloud of yellow ochre surrounded the city, lit from within by some unseen force. Bright explosions erupted at regular intervals from the ground, but there were no spaceships or evidence of bombs being dropped.

"You should see this," said Rayjack with a sober voice, devoid of his usual good cheer. His eyes were immaculate telescopes with perfect vision, and he was able to transmit the image directly to her hand held. He zoomed into the woods just beyond the city limits, where dim figures could be seen fleeing from the deadly energy. Then horror struck, when she saw the unmistakable silhouette of a Gort as it chased down a woman and slaughtered her with steady precision. White fangs slashed from beneath its massive snout and her head rolled to one side as the neck was severed.

Ketty looked away. "Oh my god, the Gort killed my parents." She was indignant. How could they live right next door and do something so horrible. She knew humans had bent over backwards to integrate the Gort into a peaceful society, and now they were slaughtering humans. Rayjack moved to another group of hunter prey. Here the humans had formed a small group, and set up an ambush for the sole Gort pursuing them.

"Wait for it," she said under her breath, cheering on the small band of brothers. They jumped the Gort as he passed and slashed at him with knives and spears. The massive Gort fell into the brush and she was unable to see. Then, finally, the bloody bulk of a killer emerged, taking out three humans in just moments. Where there had been hope, death emerged the victor.

Nearby, she could see people were fleeing in every direction, many towards the Southern Ocean. She couldn't abandon them, and she couldn't take on an army of hungry hunters. For that's what the Gort were at their genetic core, hunters of sentient life forms, hunters of creatures with mind, will, and emotion.

Rayjack let off a few odd beeps and whistles as he tracked multiple targets, moving his point of view closer to their position by twenty five miles, he acquired a new target, one lone female running for her life.

Her body was almost stripped bare, leaving a ragged tatter of cloth dragging through the brush as she fought for her life. Rayjack panned around, spotting at least three of the fat hogs in close pursuit. Then he zoomed in, until Ketty could see the sweat drenching her athletic face. Ketty saw the familiar features, as every muscle strained, knowing each step might be her last.

"Lindy!" The name rasped slowly from her clenched teeth. Her best friend was trying to reach her, and it didn't look like she would make it.


Lindy saw the forest looming before her, a barren shadow in the orange glow from the city. It was night time, but she could easily see where she needed to go. She tried to sprint even faster, but the low grunt of the Gort rang close in her ear. She knew there were two others flanking her on the right and left from the crashing brush as sweat ran in rivers down her well-toned body. Finally, a low slung branch loomed ahead and she vaulted for it, bringing her body up and around, she scrambled into the tree which offered little camouflage. She wouldn't need it. The large female with red rage in her eyes came into view, her snout moist with slobber as she sucked in each tracking breath. The nose was accurate, as she stopped directly below Lindy.

She dropped straight down a good ten feet, holding the blade out as she landed on the beast's back. But the knife hit first and she raked it around the side as she had seen in the training video. Her hand vibrated over bone, then sliced free as the artery was severed. She hit the ground hard, but ignored the pain in her ankle as she cut back and ran parallel to the tree line. The other Gorts were in the forest now, calling to their leader, but she sprinted faster than she ever had and after a quarter mile she turned into the forest and headed towards the coast. Branches tore at her legs and face, leaving bloody welts. She tore the rest of her clothes off, leaving only shorts and a tank top as she paced herself for the twenty-five miles she still had left. Was anyone still alive? She only knew death and destruction followed her, and she needed her friends. Her years of athletic training were paying off, and now she only heard an occasional scream as someone else lost their life.

She recalled the crazed look in the Gort's eyes, like it was controlled by something else. Yellow dust was caked around its nose and it had seemed scared and bewildered. Every muscle ached beyond anything she could imagine, but the will to survive pressed her forward. It would be dawn before she even reached the dark ridge of the coastal mountains, but she knew she would make it.

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