Chapter 9-Part I

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Ketty was down on the floodplain by the time dawn broke along the jagged coastal range. The pale blue morning sky was a welcome relief from the cloudy haze of the previous couple of days, and the sparse foliage gave way to open meadows and an occasional rustle of some unknown animal in the brush. If not for the dull ache of losing her parents, this might be the beginning of an average day.

She could feel the depression rising like bile in her throat. It was unfamiliar and unwelcome, so she turned her thoughts to the one thing that made her happy. Her bots.

They were spread out in a line before her, advancing through the tall grass like a well-oiled military unit. The others followed behind her, weapons ready, hearts pounding in their chest. Sizy came back with a report, allowing them to rest.

"There's a small farming city a mile to our right. It appears they are well armed with operational craft." Belletine had crawled up beside her, wiping blood where the brush had cut her face.

"I'll take Scott and Grendle to make contact, you keep going," said Belletine.

Ketty was paralyzed with fear. Fear of failure, fear of losing someone, fear of making a bad decision. But she had to know if humans were infected like the Gort. Gort were precise hunters, and a review of the video from yesterday showed them acting erratic and unorganized. Couple that with the strange substance on the snout of the one they had killed, and she was sure they were under some type of chemically induced trance.

"Ok, but get out of there at the first sign of trouble." She watched as three vital team members and three bots disappeared into the dense brush. She turned to Sizy. "We've been through a lot these last few days..."

"Yes, Miss, I'm in your debt, now it's time for me to go fetch Lindy. She will never find us unless I intercept her, if she's still alive." Ketty had to admit it was a good idea which she had been thinking about, but she had said nothing.

"Very well." She didn't bother asking if Sizy was psychic, what was the point? It was another sign her bots were evolving under pressure. Sizy had always been acutely aware of her own thoughts, but it was as if she was inside her mind now.

"I will be taking Rayleen with me," she added from the edge of the clearing.

"Be careful." With that she marched onward, wondering where Tychicknu was. She hadn't seen him since last night.

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