Chapter 13-Part IV

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"We might be walking into a trap once we reach Argon 23," noted Ketty. Belletine pulled out her handheld and recalled local maps of the Fault-line, then sent them to Ketty. "You can see Argon 23 is located on a North South line that doesn't connect directly to Karabellum. It would require two transfers to get close."

The image of Ketty's Subdivision expanded inside her mind. She considered every square light year of the local star group her playground. It was her personal section of space which she could spend a lifetime exploring. Space was three dimensional and the Subdivision was like a giant Rubik's cube floating free. At least from a political and socio-economic standpoint. Only it was big. Ten light years per side, a thousand cubic light years in area. There were five thousand seven hundred sixty stars with seventy eight trillion living and breathing souls.

North and South was a line running up and down but East and West was a direction relative to the Galactic core. For her it was easiest to imagine the floors of a building. The elevator went North and South, which was one direction the Fault-lines traveled. Once you reached your floor, you were free to travel different connecting faults horizontally anywhere you chose.

Ketty was impressed. "I see the Karabellum line runs horizontal to the plane of the galaxy, so it's possible they haven't connected to Argon 23." Ketty knew what she had to do, but it wasn't an easy decision. It meant destroying everything she loved about her home. She signed off her network and slid down the muddy hill, soaking her butt with runoff from the previous night's rain. The soil here had a deeper mustiness, not the familiar sulfur stench from ocean mud, still it held a modicum of comfort. Larger rocks bit into her flesh, sending a dull ache of pain that barely reached her brain. A low hum vibrated her chest indicating another war bird approached their position.

"Boondock, get down here now!" Realizing he was in the open, the oblivious bot ran as fast as he could and belly slid into the culvert where the others were hiding. His shirt was completely torn off and he panicked at the apparent abrasions on his stomach. They remained silent as the patrol ship flew past their position, but Ketty saw the distress in Boondock's facial expression.

"Oh my, I think I require medical attention." Ketty laughed as she brushed the mud from his tough skin.

"You'll survive." The moment passed and foreboding covered Ketty's emotions. Belletine saw the look in her eye.

"If we cut off their reinforcements, those of us who are left might stand a chance.

"I know, but it might be suicide too." Ketty touched her chest, running her fingers up and down the small scar there. She always knew she was born premature and had heart complications as an infant, but it wasn't until she was fourteen they told her the rest of the story.

Her parents had been called to the Firm which seemed like the trip of a lifetime, until they arrived. She had been so excited to see how her bots were manufactured, but instead her parents pulled her aside and told her the truth.

"We had an artificial heart for a robot put in," her father had told her. "It seemed the best choice at the time, when they said you wouldn't make it. We already had a contract so they did it for free." She knew there was a catch.

"What aren't you telling me?" She felt like she was drowning, yet it explained many things in her life. How she felt about robots, why she didn't trust people, her killer instinct in robot behavior.

"We have to bring you in for a few tests. That's why we're here. Then you can tour the facility." Everything went smoothly and that was the end of it. What did it matter now?

Except she had the heart of a robot. In a way, she attributed this to her close connection with the bots, yet she felt a deeper connection, almost spiritual, which she couldn't explain. Nor did she need to. So what if she was a robot princess, at least they would never let her down.

She glanced over to where Scott and Kato were eating a cold breakfast. Kato looked up at her, but he didn't smile. Or perhaps he couldn't? How would she know if he was on the edge of breaking? He seemed so strong and he had killed a Baird Alien.

They hadn't talked since the party and she felt none too forgiving of his behavior over the last few years, despite what seemed a sincere apology. Ketty's thoughts shifted from Kato to the task at hand. She needed the small fusion bombs planted down in the midst of their enemy and she knew he would do it. It might be a suicide mission, so the logical choice would be to send a bot, but she needed someone to go with Rayjack. Just the thought brought him to her side.

"What are we messing up this morning, Miss Ketty." Despite the long week of traveling, somehow, Rayjack had maintained his immaculate appearance as a hip hop star. The only thing missing was his peacock feather and the neon green of his shoes had grown dull under hard use.

"I need a volunteer to escort you and those micro bombs into the station." She had moved over to where Kato was. Bakes and Belletine came over as well, standing back a few steps and listening in. She looked at Kato who tried to meet her gaze, but something was troubling him.

"Who wants to plant the bombs and blow up the Fault-line?" There was silence, while Kato stared at his feet.

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