Chapter 19-Part III

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Sleep was the last thing on Ketty's mind, she just needed to be alone, but her thoughts and emotions were in a knot of confusion which haunted her. She aimlessly scrubbed at Boondocks hair while him and Purline sat playing some dumb mental computer game with each other. It served no purpose except to keep him quiet, but that was an exercise in futility.

"You know we might go crazy if we spend any more time in space," Boondock whined once again.

"Speak for yourself, you mindless twit," countered Purline. "I am perfectly content to while away the hours until our destiny comes to meet us." She had grown used to the way Purline talked in future tense of some majestic events they were all part of but he was unable to tell anyone.

"You, my dear friend, Purline the perfect, have no concept of what it means to be bored," retaliated Boondock.

"Why don't you guys go in the other room and wrestle?" suggested Ketty.

"It is a worthless sport with no outcome except the domineering effect one human has on another," said Purline.

"But I'll bet I could kick your Burnite butt," Boondock challenged.

"My sophisticated algorithms and time temporal thought protocols are far superior to your flawed process of logic."

"I'll have you know," said Boondock, "I was trained by the master in robotic warfare and tactical skills. There is nothing logical about my Mistress' technique."

"Get out now!" shouted Ketty. "I'm right here in the room, Boondock, and you're good, but not a master, not yet. Now go out in the hall and wrestle with each other, please."

"Very well, Mistress. Purline, are you coming?"

"I suppose, but don't cry to me when your piezoelectric muscles get pulled out of socket." The door slid open and Kato was standing there. "Master Kato, what a pleasure to see you," said Purline. "We were just leaving."

"Thanks Purline, is Ketty in?"

"Duh, what do you want?" she said, not hiding her irritation.

"Well, I have something to show you. Can I come in?"

"Fine, but make it fast." Did her bitterness hurt him? She couldn't tell, yet she had noticed his new attitude and he seemed to have made genuine change. Still, she wasn't one to easily forgive, and having the entire Subdivision roll over and play dead while the Baird had free reign was a bitter pill to swallow. The only solace was she had gotten her story out to the public and the Princess of Popular Opinion was going to weigh in on the matter tomorrow.

"I know there's a lot on your plate, but I'm in this for the long haul, so if you have to be mad, it's ok." He paused, wanting to make the situation more comfortable. "May I?" he motioned to the chair.

Ketty was reluctant, because she was vulnerable and because she was scared. Especially right now. It would be so easy to give in. To run to him and fall into his arms. But it felt like surrender. Like her parents death meant nothing. Like her entire life of discipline would be wasted. It was a price she wasn't ready to pay.

"Just tell me what the heck you want, Kato."

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