Chapter 16-Part III

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Down in the sick bay, Bakes sat by the auto-doc, waiting for the third round of treatment to finish. From what he could see, it didn't look good, though a few spots of new skin placed by nano-bots did seem to be taking hold.

"Tertiary treatment complete," the control bot informed him. "Patient is conscious for the first time and may have visitor for five minutes, then required bed rest will be implemented." When the glass canopy slid open, Scott tried to open his eyes, but it was no use. His voice was like dry tinder as it rasped from burnt lungs.

"Bakes, is that you?"

"I'm here buddy, you're gonna be alright."

"We stopped them buggers, didn't we?"

"You and Rayjack did it man, you're a hero." Bakes saw the toll each word was taking. "Just listen, I'll tell you what happened after you and Rayjack left. By nightfall Kestral picked us up. We were finally free and everyone was on board, but there was one promise Ketty had to keep."

"Your parents," he croaked.

"Yea, I may be the only one whose parents are still alive. The dark side of Karabellum afforded little cover when we re-entered the atmosphere, and even a ten year old could have spotted us with the naked eye. Without power, everything looked deserted and we should have known we were being watched. My parents were honored Ketty had returned but there were too many people in my clan to fit on our ship, so being the proud people they are, they told her no. They said they would stay to clean up the rest of the aliens because you were going to blow up the Fault-line."

Scott grabbed his arm and pulled him close. "We killed thousands of them. The entire station was one hive of activity, and we got them all."

"You got a lot, but some survived. When we got back to the surface, they were waiting for us. As day broke, two alien ships attacked, but somehow my dad was ready for them and he was able to use some ancient artillery to shoot one out of the sky. They weren't expecting an air cannon, and it literally embedded the ship into the mountain side where last word has it, my people captured the ship and took a few prisoners. They're going to use it to go after the alien's home world, if they can learn how it operates."

"Patient needs rest, all visitors must leave."

"We attacked the second ship and followed it to where you were picked up."

"What about the rest?" Scott had to know.

"As far as we know, they abandon the planet."

"Patient will sleep now," the lid closed and Scott was bathed in a medicated mist of healing salve and skin grafting nano-bots.

"Night, buddy," said Bakes, his throat choked with pride. "You did good"

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