Chapter 7-Part V

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Ketty saw her disappear into the tree line, and then something caught her attention. There was brush crashing just down the hill.

"Gort!" she whispered. Then the brush parted and a three hundred pound boar on two legs charged at them. It had bloodlust in its eyes, bent on consuming human flesh. She leveled her rifle and squeezed off two shots that hit clean, but had no effect. Checking the settings on her rifle, she fired two more head shots that slowed it down briefly, but her rifle was useless.

There was rustling in the brush that distracted Ketty, then Rayjack sprinted directly towards the charging Gort. He drove his Burnite fist through its throat and stopped it dead in its tracks.

"Rayjack, let's get out of here." She swore she heard rustling as they made their way back to camp. "Do you think Lindy survived?"

Rayjack paused for a brief moment. "My calculations would indicate she had a fifty percent chance of survival based on her speed and stamina, along with her workout regimen, archery, and javelin skills. Combine that with the fact she is an excellent gymnast, and I would say optimistically, yes, she is still alive."

She stood in a small clearing on the ridge, looking back at the orange glow over her shoulder before turning towards the Southern Ocean. She made their way down towards camp, descending into a different world. Boondock was returning at the same time from his reconnaissance mission when Rayjack stopped Ketty in her tracks. Below them was a line of fusion torches marching up the hill, and now they could hear loud shouting. The night air carried the conversation to her ears.

"Stay the heck away from me Scott, you pervert."

"I'm sorry Rayleen, I thought those pictures meant you wanted to go all the way." Ketty knew that condescending tone, but even at this distance, it sounded sincere.

"Egor says they are just up the hill, hurry, I'm getting tired." Rayleen was talking to someone else.

"Don't worry, he won't hurt you again."

"Thanks, Grendle."
"Rayleen." Scott's voice was up two octaves. "I'm sorry. I love you!" Now the torches stopped and there was silence. The star shine was fading as the planet turned away from the galactic core. It was well past two, and Ketty patted Rayjack on the shoulder.

"Get those lights out and shut them up fast."

"Yes, Miss," he said over his shoulder, disappearing into the night. She move to the high ground at the edge of camp and watched the ragged band of misfits as they approached. It was a scene right out of "Lord of the Flies," the once illustrious genetic freaks had their life torn out from under them, and now they were following Ketty. She may well be their only hope.

Egor emerged from the brush like a ghost, with Miss-cordoy at his side. Ketty found it odd they were standing so close to each other. Egor had a red pen light shining at the ground, his best attempt at being covert. In the dull light, Ketty saw they were holding hands.

"What's going on between you two?" she asked, thinking it was very odd.

"You are my new master, Miss Ketty, but I thought it appropriate to have a more permanent companion to see me through the tough times that lay ahead."

"We are going steady," said Miss-cordoy matter-of-factly.

"We will discuss this later." She could see his features were strained but somehow Rayleen had made him disobey a direct order, and it was weighing on him. In addition, the bots were behaving erratically under the extreme pressure, evolving with human traits. "I don't understand what's happening to you guys, but I will get to the bottom of it." Her hand rested on his shoulder as she turned to watch Rayleen and Grendle come into camp.

Rayleen was weighed down by a large quantum rifle she had salvaged. Despite the long trek, she had hijacked some clothes from somewhere, and Ketty couldn't help grinning at the blades she had strapped to her waist. Grendle trailed her by one step, his pants had been chopped off at the knees and Ketty could see his muscles rippling beneath the dirt stained shirt that clung to his body. Behind them was Scott, limping from an open wound on his calf and looking as if he had been through a war, he was that pathetic. Ketty hoped she would see Kato, despite the knot she felt in her stomach. But there was only one other person whom she didn't recognize, and all the teens were weighed down by some form of weapon. In addition they each had a small pack, hopefully with provisions. She recognized a few of the items from Kato's wall, obviously salvaged from the rubble she hadn't bothered to investigate. One bot brought up the rear, but he was unrecognizable as he followed outside the circle of bright lights.

"Who is that last bot?" Ketty asked Egor.

Whispering, he said, "His signature is unrecognizable. He seems to have masked his identity."

"Does he pose a threat?"

"No, but he's broken strict robot protocol. We need to keep an eye on him."

Ketty saw Rayjack extinguish the torches, and in that moment, she thought the solitary bot looked like Tychicnu, but why would he conceal his identity. Maybe now he was exerting his will to be free in these extreme conditions, but from a programming standpoint Ketty knew that was impossible. Sizy ordered them to sit in a circle and be quiet, then played a few of the videos from the valley, bring a quick silence to their pathetic whining.

Ketty stepped from the tree line and the group stared at her with wide eyes, like she was some sort of enigma. There was something about her form that was indescribable, the way she carried herself with a subtle grace. Her crumpled hair and blood stained cloths were a testament to her fighting prowess, like she was a warrior princess, yet there was a reverence in their demeanor. Even in the dark shadows she radiated a presence while the group murmured amongst themselves.

"Look at her, she seems to be surrounded by power." Scott said.

Thank deity she's in charge," said Rayleen.

"There's hope for us yet," Grendle remarked.

Ketty tried to ignore their praise, yet she felt something inside, an awakening she knew existed but was too shy to acknowledge. Or was she afraid? No! She transcended the moment and stepped into her inheritance. She felt obligated to lead them no matter what the cost. Without a word, she knew she had been chosen.

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