Chapter 20-Part VI

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Kato had no objections, following obediently as she escorted Ketty up the escalator.

Outside, Mon-catasto called out, "Boondock, come see your master," but his words had no effect. "Greer, would you be so kind as to get him into my study?"

Greer should have known there would be a trap here on the Premiers home world. It was obvious some sort of force made people agreeable to whatever he suggested, and he couldn't deny him now. Greer had brought Ketty here to hand her over with a plan to destroy Mon-catasto, but that plan seemed impossible to execute.

"Here, Max." The dog-bot came obediently to his master. "Bring Boondock to me." It wasn't hard with a dyslexic, attention deprived robot. Max ran over and barked at Boondock causing him to abandon the servant-bot and chase Max over to Greer. Purline had wandered off and the three of them were alone.

"Let's retire to the lab where we can start the process of your release, shall we?"

Boondock eyed Mon-catasto wearily. "I'm not supposed to go with strangers."

Catasto turned on his heel, then said over his shoulder, "We have a little unfinished business to attend young man." Reluctantly Greer, Max, then Boondock followed him around back where a hatched opened, leading into the basement. Boondock looked a little nervous and Greer flinched as the door sealed behind them with a finality that ensured he was committed now.

"I find it so comforting that people are agreeable when they come to my home, don't you Greer?" The master fiddled with some lab equipment, not waiting for or expecting a reply. "Boondock, don't you think it's time I release you to your rightful owner?"

"Yes. Yes sir, I do. I know it troubles my Mistress that she doesn't own me, and anything that troubles her, troubles me."

"Good. Let me draw a small sample of your nano-biotic fluid and this can all be over." Mon-catasto walked over to the corner where Boondock cowered. "I promise it won't hurt." As he drew closer, Boondock began to shake uncontrollably, then, when the master was close, he freaked out. Small thrusters emerged from his legs and he began flying around the room, bouncing off walls and destroying the lab in the process. Max joined in, barking and chasing Boondock, then growling and biting at Mon-catasto. Glass and computers smashed to the ground while the old man retreated to one corner. It was utter chaos that had no end in sight.

"Greer, get this mutt off me!" He wanted nothing more than to let Max chew his pants off, but this was the opportunity he had been waiting for. Using his neural net to communicate, he ordered Max to calm Boondock while he went and brushed Mon-catasto off.

"Here, let me try that." He took the pneumatic syringe and put it in his pocket, going over to where Boondock shivered like a stroked out Chihuahua. "Boondock." Greer used a stern voice like you would with a child, but more than that, he rolled his eyes and held his fingers to his lips. "Shhh... it's alright little fellow. Uncle Greer is going to help you. Think back to those times on the beach with your Mistress." He pulled the syringe from his pocket, using information from Kato's hacked computer files. "Remember how you felt anxious when Ketty was in the water?"

Boondock nodded, oblivious to the syringe, as Greer sucked a sample of the green fluid without incident. "I always worried she would drown and I couldn't save her."

Greer encouraged him as he switched Boondock's blood for some he had drawn from Max earlier. "That's right. You couldn't get your joints wet, so if she died, you would have broken the First Law."

He nodded enthusiastically, unaware the damage had already been done. "I could never let that happen," said Boondock.

"You won't have to," said Greer, turning towards Mon-catasto and handing him the syringe.

Now Greer's demeanor changed. He faced his adversary, fully aware the only choice he had was suicide. The ancient power emanating from the planet's core threatened to consume Greer. He sucked greedily at the small air tank in the side of his mouth. It had a few breaths left before he lost his desire to fight. If this was the real Mon-catasto, and he was sure it was, Greer knew there was an impenetrable force field built into his garments. Any attempt at force would be met with his own quick demise, so he relied on his cunning and diplomacy. It was time to turn the tables, in the man's own home.

"If you don't let her go, there will be a public outpouring of sympathy and you know it."

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