Chapter 20-Part V

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She ignored him, turning to Mon-catasto's wife who came and bowed with a neat curtsy, akin to some romantic novel. Ketty noticed the dark ringlets curling around her face which framed perfect features that spoke to her genetic breeding. Ketty couldn't help but notice her mouth was small, set inside perfect cheek bones that chiseled their way down to the most romantic chin. Nevertheless, her eyes were locked on to Ketty's, staring right through her from a million miles away. Electricity shivered down Ketty's spine, something so familiar, yet it seemed a lifetime away. She knew those eyes, from somewhere, an elusive memory just out of reach. She wasn't sure, but they struck a resonance in her soul.

"Ketty, I have waited such a long time to meet you,"

"Do we know each other?" she asked with a puzzled look.

"Oh, dear, I see your father has kept some things from you. We used to be neighbors back on Jar-sedan. You would come to my house and play when you were a little girl, always fiddling with some robot from the factory." The news should have troubled her, made her angry, or caused some sort of reaction. Instead she was feeling excited, without a care in the world. The fact Greer had betrayed her to the leader of the firm seemed funny and she let out a laugh. Her family was dead and they had concealed untold details of her past but it didn't bother her. Doha's secret power of perception was plying its intricate deception on her mind and she was blissfully unaware.

"I invited your father many times," said Mon-catasto, walking towards the house. "But he always had an excuse how busy he was."

"You knew my dad?" asked Ketty, trying to hide her enthusiasm. She knew these were the bad guys and it didn't seem to matter.

"Of course. We became acquainted when I first met Priscilla." A noise from the yard distracted him and he looked to see what the commotion was. "One might say he was an old friend, though we did have a difference of opinion on some matters." Mon-catasto laughed at Boondock who had commandeered one of the servant bots and was making him run around the massive porch surrounding the mansion. "I see Boondock is making himself at home. Perhaps I could spend a little time with him, then after you stay for a couple days... Oh forgive my manners, I'm getting ahead of myself. We would be honored to have you as our guests, in fact you can stay as long as you please."

Ketty wanted to say she was busy, but she couldn't think of a single reason why she would leave. In fact, everything seemed right in the world, and all her cares had faded away. "Sure," was all she could muster.

"Fantastic. As I was saying, after a couple days, we can finalize the contract and you can take Boondock home."

I don't have a home, Ketty thought, but she was excited about finally owning Boondock outright. "Thank you, I wish I had come here sooner."

"It's all about timing, my dear. I sympathize with your tremendous loss and want to extend my heartfelt condolences. I can't imagine what you have been through, but my wife and I will spare no expense to make your stay here comfortable." Of course he knew about the destruction on Karabellum, and the loss of her family. The entire Subdivision knew by now. They passed through large double doors, entering the expansive foyer, with four story vaulted ceilings and a spiral escalator woven in white ivory. There was no expense spared and Kato noticed it made his home look like a shack.

Priscilla stepped in and used her shoulder to push her husband aside. "Can't you see she's tired. You are a rude host." Kato watched as Mon-catasto excused himself, taking Greer by the shoulder and walking back out to where Boondock was playing. He wanted to follow them, but Ketty was his priority.

"I'll take her to her room, mama," Mikenzy said while she held Kato's gaze. "Perhaps the gentleman would like to help me?"

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KETTY'S SUBDIVISION Wattys2017Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora