chapter 20-Part II

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The planet below glowed yellow with deep green where dense forest covered land masses too big to comprehend. Greer knew Doha's oceans were sulphur composites but the ecosystem worked well since terraforming had made it suitable for human life a thousand years ago. From this distance, it was hard to see the complex society which inhabited the surface, or to know the hidden dangers lurking there. Despite all this, nature maintained a mystical quality, some unseen force which was deeply rooted where science was unable to interfere. Many believed it was haunted with evil spirits, but Greer didn't go in for those things. This was the place Mon-catasto chose to meet, and he planned on delivering the bot.

It wasn't long before Kestral emerged from the blackness and docked with his tiny light drive ship.

"I only have room for four," Greer told Ketty once they settled into a comfortable orbit.

"That wasn't in the plan when we talked earlier," Said Ketty.

"My best friend wasn't dead then either." He let that sink in, hoping it would divert her attention.

"I'm not letting you leave unprotected," said Rayleen off screen.

"I'm going whether you like it or not," said Kato. He already had his armor and weapons ready. Ketty eyed him but didn't object. She had an uneasy feeling, but getting Boondock free of the recall was her only priority.

"How did your friend die?" asked Ketty.

"I can't tell you until later. Just bring the little one, and the rest of your bots will be released."

"Give me five minutes." She signaled Lindy to turn off the view screen, then told Purline, "I'm not taking you with us. It's too dangerous and I don't think you would be much help."

"I'm capable of taking care of myself, you however seem incompetent. How can you make such a fatally flawed decision and leave the one person who can protect Boondock from harm?" Purline looked at her, then glanced at Rayleen. "What?"

"Nothing," said Ketty, satisfied having tricked him into answering without realizing it. It was tiring, but she was getting the hang of it.

Rayleen stopped her when she entered the airlock. "Here, you might need this." Rayleen handed her one of the necklaces. "So I can tell if you get into trouble."

"I'll be fine," said Ketty, "but I'm glad you're on my side." She slipped it over her neck, still surprised the alien technology felt natural and looked so good. Was this her last time seeing her friend, she wondered as the inner and outer doors went through their interlocking ritual? It was only a formality since the cabins of both ships had been pressurized and in a pinch, the space curtain could be passed through in seconds if the person was wearing a coded space suit. She had to trust Greer and believe she would be back.

The ship they entered was a small one, but she knew it sported advanced government technology. The model T light drive ship produced by Halcion Dynamics was the preferred workhorse for high ranking diplomats, designed specifically for close planetary flight, it was fast, nimble, and efficient. Weapons systems had been downgraded from its less sexy predecessor due to the changing diplomatic atmosphere of the times, but it was capable if not cramped for space. The propulsion was a more advanced photon dynamic Collapse-core design which relied exclusively on the mass reducing capabilities of the inertial damping system. In service it was equivalent to flying a beam of light.

The airlock opened directly into the cramped cockpit with four chairs sitting directly behind the captain's chair where Greer smiled and stood to greet them. He was younger in person and she could feel a palpable warmth that put her at ease.

"We'll be planet side in no time," he said after introducing himself, but Ketty was surprised when he hugged her like they were friends. He couldn't mask his surprise and relief at seeing Boondock for the first time.

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